Official ProxySQL Documentation

Quick Guides

The quick guides are designed to get you up and running quickly with ProxySQL. These guides are aimed at helping someone new to ProxySQL in understanding the basic configuration concepts.

The initial guides deal with installing ProxySQL and performing the initial configuration. Guides detailing the two main use cases for ProxySQL namely Read/Write Split and Sharding are also avaiable here.

Reference Manual

The Basics

Before delving into the ProxySQL configuration specifics it is crucial to understand the Multi Layer Configuration System and how ProxySQL’s supported backend servers are configured and monitored in ProxySQL.

ProxySQL’s general behavior is controlled by the Global Variables. ProxySQL Admin Variables are controlled separately to MySQL traffic and monitoring variables.


All ProxySQL security functions are configurable via the ProxySQL Admin interface and are documented in the pages found here.


Here you will find configuration details for specific ProxySQL features and interesting information related to the inner workings of ProxySQL. Topics cover various design aspects that are of interest to more advanced end-users and project contributors.

Misc Information