List of Admin Variables

NOTE: You can click on the variable name to jump to its definition

Variable Name Default Value
admin-admin_credentials admin:admin
admin-checksum_admin_variables true
admin-checksum_ldap_variables true
admin-checksum_mysql_query_rules true
admin-checksum_mysql_servers true
admin-checksum_mysql_users true
admin-checksum_mysql_variables true
admin-cluster_admin_variables_diffs_before_sync 3
admin-cluster_admin_variables_save_to_disk true
admin-cluster_check_interval_ms 1000
admin-cluster_check_status_frequency 10
admin-cluster_ldap_variables_diffs_before_sync 3
admin-cluster_ldap_variables_save_to_disk true
admin-cluster_mysql_query_rules_diffs_before_sync 3
admin-cluster_mysql_query_rules_save_to_disk true
admin-cluster_mysql_servers_diffs_before_sync 3
admin-cluster_mysql_servers_save_to_disk true
admin-cluster_mysql_users_diffs_before_sync 3
admin-cluster_mysql_users_save_to_disk true
admin-cluster_mysql_variables_diffs_before_sync 3
admin-cluster_mysql_variables_save_to_disk true
admin-cluster_proxysql_servers_diffs_before_sync 3
admin-cluster_proxysql_servers_save_to_disk true
admin-debug false
admin-hash_passwords (deprecated) true
admin-prometheus_memory_metrics_interval 61
admin-read_only false
admin-refresh_interval 2000
admin-restapi_enabled false
admin-restapi_port 6070
admin-stats_credentials stats:stats
admin-stats_mysql_connection_pool 60
admin-stats_mysql_connections 60
admin-stats_mysql_query_cache 60
admin-stats_mysql_query_digest_to_disk 0
admin-stats_system_cpu 60
admin-stats_system_memory 60
admin-telnet_admin_ifaces (null)
admin-telnet_stats_ifaces (null)
admin-vacuum_stats true
admin-version X.Y.Z-N-gXXXXXXXX
admin-web_enabled false
admin-web_port 6080


System Variable Name admin-admin_credentials
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type String
Default admin:admin

This is a list of semi-colon separated user:password pairs, that can be used to authenticate to the admin interface with read-write rights. For read-only credentials that can be used to connect to the admin, see the variable admin-stats_credentials. It is important to note that:


System Variable Name admin-checksum_admin_variables
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Boolean
Default true

If enabled, Admin variables will be synchronized by ProxySQL Cluster. See ProxySQL Cluster for further details.


System Variable Name admin-checksum_ldap_variables
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Boolean
Default true

If enabled, LDAP variables will be synchronized by ProxySQL Cluster. Note that this variable is meaningful only if LDAP Plugin is enabled. See ProxySQL Cluster for further details.


System Variable Name admin-checksum_mysql_query_rules
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Boolean
Default true

If enabled, tables mysql_query_rules and mysql_query_rules_fast_routing will be synchronized by ProxySQL Cluster. See ProxySQL Cluster for further details.


System Variable Name admin-checksum_mysql_servers
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Boolean
Default true

If enabled, tables mysql_servers, mysql_aws_aurora_hostgroups, mysql_galera_hostgroups, mysql_group_replication_hostgroups and mysql_replication_hostgroups will be synchronized by ProxySQL Cluster. See ProxySQL Cluster for further details.


System Variable Name admin-checksum_mysql_users
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Boolean
Default true

If enabled, table mysql_users will be synchronized by ProxySQL Cluster. See ProxySQL Cluster for further details.


System Variable Name admin-checksum_mysql_variables
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Boolean
Default true

If enabled, MySQL variables (both General MySQL Variables and MySQL Monitor Variables will be synchronized by ProxySQL Cluster. See ProxySQL Cluster for further details.


System Variable Name admin-cluster_admin_variables_diffs_before_sync
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer (count)
Default 3
Minimum 0
Maximum 1000

This variable defines how many mismatching checks will trigger the synchronization of Admin variables. See admin-checksum_admin_variables and ProxySQL Cluster for further details.


System Variable Name admin-cluster_admin_variables_save_to_disk
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Boolean
Default true

If enabled (default), after ProxySQL Cluster synchronizes Admin variables **from** a remote node, the configuration is also locally persisted to disk. See admin-checksum_admin_variables and ProxySQL Cluster for further details.


See ProxySQL Cluster


See ProxySQL Cluster


System Variable Name admin-cluster_ldap_variables_diffs_before_sync
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer (count)
Default 3
Minimum 0
Maximum 1000

This variable defines how many mismatching checks will trigger the synchronization of LDAP variables. See admin-checksum_ldap_variables and ProxySQL Cluster for further details. Note: this variable is relevant only if LDAP Plugin is enabled.


System Variable Name admin-cluster_ldap_variables_save_to_disk
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Boolean
Default true

If enabled (default), after ProxySQL Cluster synchronizes LDAP variables **from** a remote node, the configuration is also locally persisted to disk. See admin-checksum_ldap_variables and ProxySQL Cluster for further details. Note: this variable is relevant only if LDAP Plugin is enabled.


System Variable Name admin-cluster_mysql_query_rules_diffs_before_sync
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer (count)
Default 3
Minimum 0
Maximum 1000

This variable defines how many mismatching checks will trigger the synchronization of MySQL Query Rules related tables. See admin-checksum_mysql_query_rules and ProxySQL Cluster for further details.


System Variable Name admin-cluster_mysql_query_rules_save_to_disk
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Boolean
Default true

If enabled (default), after ProxySQL Cluster synchronizes MySQL Query Rules tables **from** a remote node, the configuration is also locally persisted to disk. See admin-checksum_mysql_query_rules and ProxySQL Cluster for further details.


System Variable Name admin-cluster_mysql_servers_diffs_before_sync
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer (count)
Default 3
Minimum 0
Maximum 1000

This variable defines how many mismatching checks will trigger the synchronization of MySQL Servers related tables. See admin-checksum_mysql_servers and ProxySQL Cluster for further details.


System Variable Name admin-cluster_mysql_servers_save_to_disk
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Boolean
Default true

If enabled (default), after ProxySQL Cluster synchronizes MySQL Servers tables **from** a remote node, the configuration is also locally persisted to disk. See admin-checksum_mysql_servers and ProxySQL Cluster for further details.


System Variable Name admin-cluster_mysql_users_diffs_before_sync
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer (count)
Default 3
Minimum 0
Maximum 1000

This variable defines how many mismatching checks will trigger the synchronization of MySQL Users related tables. See admin-checksum_mysql_servers and ProxySQL Cluster for further details.


System Variable Name admin-cluster_mysql_users_save_to_disk
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Boolean
Default true

If enabled (default), after ProxySQL Cluster synchronizes MySQL Users tables **from** a remote node, the configuration is also locally persisted to disk. See admin-checksum_mysql_users and ProxySQL Cluster for further details.


System Variable Name admin-cluster_password
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type String
Default (empty string)

In order for ProxySQL Cluster to work, instances need to connect to each other to perform checks and eventually pull new configuration(s). Credentials defined in admin-cluster_username and admin-cluster_password are used to connect to the remote ProxySQL nodes that are part of the cluster. Note that the same credentials must also be present in the variable admin-admin_credentials of the remote ProxySQL nodes, or the current node won’t be able to connect.


System Variable Name admin-cluster_proxysql_servers_diffs_before_sync
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer (count)
Default 3
Minimum 0
Maximum 1000

This variable defines how many mismatching checks will trigger the synchronization of proxysql_servers table. See ProxySQL Cluster for further details.


System Variable Name admin-cluster_proxysql_servers_save_to_disk
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Boolean
Default true

If enabled (default), after ProxySQL Cluster synchronizes ProxySQL Servers table **from** a remote node, the configuration is also locally persisted to disk. See ProxySQL Cluster for further details.


System Variable Name admin-cluster_mysql_variables_diffs_before_sync
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer (count)
Default 3
Minimum 0
Maximum 1000

This variable defines how many mismatching checks will trigger the synchronization of MySQL variables. See admin-checksum_mysql_variables and ProxySQL Cluster for further details.


System Variable Name admin-cluster_mysql_variables_save_to_disk
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Boolean
Default true

If enabled (default), after ProxySQL Cluster synchronizes MySQL variables **from** a remote node, the configuration is also locally persisted to disk. See admin-checksum_mysql_variables and ProxySQL Cluster for further details.


System Variable Name admin-cluster_username
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type String
Default (empty string)

In order for ProxySQL Cluster to work, instances need to connect to each other to perform checks and eventually pull new configuration(s). Credentials defined in admin-cluster_username and admin-cluster_password are used to connect to the remote ProxySQL nodes that are part of the cluster. Note that the same credentials must also be present in the variable admin-admin_credentials of the remote ProxySQL nodes, or the current node won’t be able to connect. If admin-cluster_username is empty (the default) , ProxySQL Cluster cannot start because there is no defined user to connect to remote ProxySQL nodes.


System Variable Name admin-debug
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Boolean
Default false

This variable enables the debugging in proxysql binaries built in debug mode. Note that this variable is only present in debug builds, therefore you shouldn’t see this variable in a production environment.

admin-hash_passwords (deprecated)

Deprecated in 2.6.0. Prior to this version:

System Variable Name admin-hash_passwords
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Boolean
Default true

When admin-hash_passwords=true (enabled by default), passwords are automatically hashed at RUNTIME when running LOAD MYSQL USERS TO RUNTIME. Passwords in mysql_users table are not automatically hashed (they are hashed only in runtime_mysql_users) and require you to run SAVE MYSQL USERS FROM RUNTIME. Also note that if on the backend the user is configured to use caching_sha2_password, passwords in mysql_users.password need to be in clear text (not hashed), therefore variable admin-hash_passwords needs to be set to false. See Password Management for further details.

Since version 2.6.0 users should be able set the passwords as they prefer, either hashed or in cleartext in mysql_users table. For furhter details on how this is achieved please refer to Password Management.


System Variable Name admin-mysql_ifaces
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type String
Default (up to 1.4.0)
Default (from 1.4.1 onwards)

Semicolon-separated list of hostname:port entries for interfaces on which the admin interface should listen. It also supports UNIX domain sockets for the cases where the connection is done from an application on the same machine: in this case the full path of the socket must be specified. For example: SET admin-mysql_ifaces=';/tmp/proxysql_admin.sock'. Please note that the default admin user can only connect locally for security reasons. In order to connect remotely a secondary user needs to be created by defining this in the admin-admin_credentials variable, for example admin-admin_credentials="admin:admin;radminuser:radminpass".



System Variable Name admin-prometheus_memory_metrics_interval
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer (seconds)
Default 61
Minimum 0

ProxySQL has a built-in Prometheus Exporter that is able to export statistics when the REST API is enabled. Metrics are collected all the time no matter if the REST API is enabled or not. While some metrics are collected and refreshed in real time, some metrics (currently only memory metrics) are collected and refreshed only at regular intervals defined by admin-prometheus_memory_metrics_interval .


System Variable Name admin-read_only
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Boolean
Default false

When this variable is set to true and loaded at runtime, the Admin module does not accept writes anymore. This is useful to ensure that ProxySQL cannot be further configured. When ProxySQL Admin is in read-only mode, the only way to revert it to read-write and set admin-read_only to false at runtime (and therefore also make the Admin module writable again) is to run the command PROXYSQL READWRITE. Note that this feature is mostly useful for future development of new features, and you shouldn’t normally configure ProxySQL Admin to be in read-only mode.


System Variable Name admin-refresh_interval
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer (milliseconds)
Default 2000
Minimum 100
Maximum 100000

In very old versions this variable defined the refresh interval (in milliseconds) for updates to the query rules statistics and commands counters statistics. Now this variable only defines the timeout for poll() calls, thus for how long an Admin connection can be blocked waiting for a network event. Be careful about tweaking this to a value that is:

  • too low, because it might affect the overall performance of the proxy if there are a a lot (several thousands) of Admin connections
  • too high, because it might affect the graceful shutdown of proxysql if some Admin connections are blocked for a long time

This variable is likely to be deprecated in the future.


System Variable Name admin-restapi_enabled
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Boolean
Default false

It allows users to create new REST API endpoints and execute scripts on behalf of ProxySQL. If admin-restapi_enabled is set to true, the REST-API is automatically enabled and the module is listening on port admin-restapi_port


System Variable Name admin-restapi_port
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer
Default 6070

This variable defines on which port the REST API is listening if the REST API module is enabled. (admin-restapi_enabled=’true’) .


System Variable Name admin-stats_credentials
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type String
Default stats:stats

This is a list of semi-colon separated user:password pairs that defines the read-only credentials for connecting to the admin interface. These are not allowed to update internal data structures such as the list of MySQL backend servers (or hostgroups), query rules, etc., neither to read configuration tables. They are only allowed to read from the statistics and monitoring tables. Note: there are several restrictions on use of users in admin-stats_credentials : the restrictions are the same as those listed in admin-admin_credentials


Not currently used (planned usage in a future version).


Not currently used (planned usage in a future version).


System Variable Name admin-version
Dynamic No
Permitted Values Type String
Read Only true

This variable displays ProxySQL version. This variable is read only: do not attempt to change it.

Admin historical statistics

Since ProxySQL Admin stores historical metrics in a new database named proxysql_stats.db in the datadir. Tables structures may be subject to future changes.


System Variable Name admin-stats_mysql_connection_pool
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer (seconds)
Default 60
Valid values 5, 10, 30, 60, 120, 300

The refresh interval (in seconds) to update the historical statistics of the connection pool.


System Variable Name admin-stats_mysql_connections
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer (seconds)
Default 60
Valid values 5, 10, 30, 60, 120, 300

The refresh interval (in seconds) to update the historical statistics of MySQL connections, both frontends and backends.


System Variable Name admin-stats_mysql_query_cache
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer (seconds)
Default 60
Valid values 5, 10, 30, 60, 120, 300

The refresh interval (in seconds) to update the historical statistics of MySQL Query Cache.


Maximum86400 (24 hours)

System Variable Name admin-stats_mysql_query_digest_to_disk
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer (seconds)
Default 0
Minimum 0

The refresh interval (in seconds) to dump the content of stats_mysql_query_digest into stats_history.history_mysql_query_digest , and reset stats_mysql_query_digest . A value of 0 (default) disables this feature. If the feature is enabled, please be very careful on how frequently the dump is performed and how many distinct query patterns your application is generating: the size of the database on disk can potentially grow quickly.


System Variable Name admin-stats_system_cpu
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer (seconds)
Default 60
Valid values 5, 10, 30, 60, 120, 300, 600

The refresh interval (in seconds) to update the historical statistics of CPU usage.


System Variable Name admin-stats_system_memory
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer (seconds)
Default 60
Valid values 5, 10, 30, 60, 120, 300, 600

The refresh interval (in seconds) to update the historical statistics of memory usage. Note: These statistics are not available if ProxySQL is not compiled with jemalloc. Note that all official packages are compiled with jemalloc.


System Variable Name admin-vacuum_stats
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Boolean (seconds)
Default true
Valid values true, false

This parameter enables or disables the vacuum operation on the SQLite database storing the statistics tables. VACUUM command cleans and eliminates free pages, aligns table data to be contiguous, and otherwise cleans up the database memory structure. This allows to free memory when large statistics tables are queried. Note that this applies only to statistics tables: all the tables with name starting with stats_ and stored in memory.

Admin web interface

ProxySQL embeds an HTTP web server from where it is possible to gather certain metrics. Credentials to access the web interfaces are the same as those defined in admin-stats_credentials. When Web UI plugin is enabled, the HTTP web server can be used to reconfigure ProxySQL itself, and the credentials configured in admin-admin_credentials can be used to access the web interface.


System Variable Name admin-web_enabled
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Boolean
Default false

If admin-web_enabled is set to true, the web server is automatically enabled and listening on port admin-web_port. The web server can be turned on and off at runtime.


System Variable Name admin-web_port
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer
Default 6080

This variable defines on which port the web server is listening if admin-web_enabled is set to true


System Variable Name admin-web_verbosity
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer
Default 0
Minimum 0
Maximum 10

This variable defines the verbosity level of the web server if it is active (admin-web_enabled is set to true) . The verbosity level is used for debugging purposes only.