Bootstrap Mode

This mode allows the user to easily configure ProxySQL against a ‘Group Replication Cluster’, automating many of the regular configuration steps, that otherwise would need to be performed manually. Also provides multiple command line options that allows to customize this process.

Automatic configuration overview

This is the configuration that is automatically performed when using --bootstrap mode:

  • mysql-server_version: Fetched from the MySQL server used to bootstrap.
  • mysql-default_charset: Fetched from the MySQL server used to bootstrap.
  • mysql-default_collation_connection: Fetched from the MySQL server used to bootstrap.
  • mysql_servers: Fetched from the MySQL server used to bootstrap.
  • mysql_users: Fetched from the MySQL server used to bootstrap.
  • mysql-have_ssl: Always set to yes when starting in bootstrap mode.
  • mysql-interfaces: Configured with the same defaults ports as MySQL router (RW:6446,RO:6447);
  • mysql-monitor_username: Dependent on command lines arguments, but randomly created by default.
  • mysql-monitor_password: Dependent on command lines arguments, but randomly created by default.
  • mysql_group_replication_hostgroups: Entry is created with similar configuration to MySQL router.
  • mysql_hostgroup_attributes: Two entries are created, for RW and RO hostgroups, with same defaults that MySQL router uses for servers.
  • mysql_query_rules: Simple port based RW Split with RW, and RO ports. Similar to MySQL Router one.


mysql_users</strong >:

During bootstrap, ProxySQL fetches the configured servers from the target server, but for security reasons, excludes users with the following patterns:

  • mysql.%
  • root
  • bt_proxysql_%

Users matching pattern bt_proxysql_% are considered ProxySQL users created during the bootstrap process. See command line options for more details.

mysql_query_rules</strong >:

Please note that the default RW Split is a very simplistic setup, which shouldn’t be recommended for many scenarios, and that ProxySQL allows for a much fine degree of control for routing. The default RW Split is provided as it’s for compatibility reasons and as a starting point for configuration. For more information on how to configure your own query rules with --bootstrap, please refer to section configuration precedence.

Command line options

This information could also be check via --help command:

-B, --bootstrap ARG          Start ProxySQL in Group Replication bootstrap mode.
                             An URI needs to be specified for creating a
                             connection to the bootstrap server, if no URI is
                             provided, a connection to the default local socket
                             will be attempted.
-d, --directory ARG          Datadir
--account ARG                Account to use by monitoring after bootstrap,
                             either reuses a specify account or creates a new
                             one; this behavior is controlled by related option
                             '--acount-create'. When used, a password must be
--account-create ARG         Account creation policy for bootstrap. Possible
                             values are:
                             - if-not-exists (default): If the account doesn't
                             exist, create it, otherwise reuse it.
                             - always: Only bootstrap if the account isn't
                             present and can be created.
                             - never: Only bootstrap if the account is already
--account-host ARG           Host pattern to be used for accounts created during
                             bootstrap (Not implemented).
--conf-base-port ARG         Sets the default base port ('mysql-interfaces') for
                             the default R/W split port based configuration
--conf-bind-address ARG      Sets the default bind address ('mysql-interfaces').
                             Used in combination with '--conf-bind-port'
--conf-skip-tcp ARG          Sets the default base port for the default R/W
                             split port based configuration
--conf-use-sockets ARG       bootstrap option, configures two Unix sockets with
                             names 'mysql.sock' and 'mysqlro.sock'
--password-retries ARG       Number of attempts for generating a password when
                             creating an account during bootstrap
--ssl-ca ARG                 The path name of the Certificate Authority (CA)
                             certificate file. Must specify the same certificate
                             used by the server
--ssl-capath arg             the path name of the directory that contains
                             trusted ssl ca certificate files
--ssl-cert arg               the path name of the client public key certificate
--ssl-cipher arg             the list of permissible ciphers for ssl encryption
--ssl-crl arg                the path name of the file containing certificate
                             revocation lists
--ssl-crlpath arg            the path name of the directory that contains
                             certificate revocation list files
--ssl-key arg                the path name of the client private key file
--ssl-mode arg               ssl connection mode for using during bootstrap
                             during normal operation with the backend servers.
                             Only PREFERRED, and DISABLED are supported.

Extra clarifications on several config options:

-B, --bootstrap ARG</strong >:

The URI that is supplied for this config option, needs to fulfill the following expression:


The original expression, as stated in MySQL documentation for the supported URI formats is:


Further documentation on how the URI with which we should offer compatibility can be check here. There are parts of this specification that are not covered, this is intentional, as for now we only cover the previously described URI format. Some examples of supported connections strings are:

mysql://username:[email protected]:8042

The protocol specification is ignored as we don’t support X protocol.

Default values</strong >:

If no URI is provided, a connection to a local default socket will be attempted. The default values used when no URI is provided or provided one has missing parts are:

  • username: If no username or password is specified, default username value is root.
  • password: If no password is specified, user input will be required for specifying one.
  • address: If no address is specified, localhost will be assumed.
  • port: If no port is specified, 3306 will be assumed.

Optional fields, can be supplied as the URI format specifies, as an example, here is a valid URI that doesn’t specify address or port:


-d, --directory ARG</strong >:

This option is equivalent to the classic --datadir, it has been introduced just for compatibility reasons, may be removed.

--conf-base-port ARG</strong >:

If no port is specified, the default ports used are the sames as for MySQL Router:

  • RW: 6446
  • RO: 6447

--ssl-mode ARG</strong >:

One of the following values:

  • DISABLED: When disabled, only backend connections will be configured with use_ssl=0. Frontend connections will still support SSL via mysql-have_ssl=true. This way, clients still can decide to fully disable SSL on demand, while supporting SSL just on frontend when ProxySQL is situated near the backend servers, and SSL isn’t a requirement.
  • PREFERRED: Default mode, SSL is enabled for frontend and backend connections via use_ssl=1 for all backend servers and have_ssl=1 for frontend connections.

--account</strong >:

Specifies the account that is going to be used by ProxySQL for monitoring after the bootstrapping process. When provided, the user is required to supply a password. If not provided, ProxySQL will create a random user and password. These values will be stored under disk.bootstrap_variables, once ProxySQL is running, this values will be used for the monitoring account, so they can also be check via: mysql-monitor_username and mysql-monitor_password. When creating this account, ProxySQL will grant it with the following set of permissions:

GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `%s`@`%%`
GRANT SELECT ON `performance_schema`.`global_variables` TO `%s`@`%%`
GRANT SELECT ON `performance_schema`.`replication_group_member_stats` TO `%s`@`%%`
GRANT SELECT ON `performance_schema`.`replication_group_members` TO `%s`@`%%`"

These are the minimum set of permissions a monitoring account should have for ProxySQL being able to monitor a Group Replication cluster, for more info check MySQL Group Replication Support.

By default, this account is reused, to avoid unnecessary user creation during different --bootstrap operations, this behavior can be changed via --account-create. The created account, for now, always matches the pattern bt_proxysql_%, this could change in the future with support for --acount-host.

Configuration precedence

In general, configuration precedence still works the same as expected for first boot:

  • Command line arguments.
  • Configuration file.

If a previously created configdb is present, configdb doesn’t take precedence over certain config variables that modify the bootstrap process itself, when ProxySQL is executed again in bootstrap mode:

  • mysql-%: The following previously defined mysql-% variables:
    • mysql-server_version: Obtained from the MySQL server used to bootstrap.
    • mysql-default_charset: Obtained from the MySQL server used to bootstrap.
    • mysql-default_collation_connection: Obtained from the MySQL server used to bootstrap.
    • mysql-interfaces: Dependent on --conf-bind-address and --conf-base-port.
    • mysql-monitor_username: Dependent on --account, --account-create.
    • mysql-monitor_password: Dependent on --account, --account-create.
    • mysql-have_ssl: Always set to yes when starting in bootstrap mode.
    • mysql-ssl_p2s_ca: Dependent on --ssl-ca, and config file. Used for bootstrap connection itself.
    • mysql-ssl_p2s_capath: Dependent on --ssl-capath, and config file. Used for bootstrap connection itself.
    • mysql-ssl_p2s_cert: Dependent on --ssl-cert, and config file. Used for bootstrap connection itself.
    • mysql-ssl_p2s_cipher: Dependent on --ssl-cipher, and config file. Used for bootstrap connection itself.
    • mysql-ssl_p2s_crl: Dependent on --ssl-crl, and config file. Used for bootstrap connection itself.
    • mysql-ssl_p2s_crlpath: Dependent on --ssl-crlpath, and config file. Used for bootstrap connection itself.
    • mysql-ssl_p2s_key: Dependent on --ssl-key, and config file. Used for bootstrap connection itself.
  • admin-%: The following previously defined admin-% variables:
    • admin-hash_passwords: Always set to false. This variable will be deprecated and disappear.
  • mysql_servers: Obtained from the MySQL server used to bootstrap. Core bootstrapping functionality.
  • mysql_users: Obtained from the MySQL server used to bootstrap. Core bootstrapping functionality.

For other previous user config, configdb takes precedence as usual, it’s worth mentioning:

mysql_group_replication_hostgroups</strong >:

Allows the user to have custom bootstrapping hostgroups for the fetched servers. Default table entries created by the bootstrapping process are:

  • writer_hostgroup: 0
  • backup_writer_hostgroup: 2
  • reader_hostgroup: 1
  • offline_hostgroup: 3
  • active: 1
  • max_writers: 9
  • writer_is_also_reader: 0
  • max_transactions_behind: 0

If preserving the default RW Split is intended, the user providing a custom entry should always honor the hostgroups numbers from the default mysql_query_rules configuration. This is, hostgroup 0 for writer_hostgroup and 1 for reader_hostgroup.

mysql_hostgroup_attributes</strong >:

Allows the user to have custom mysql_hostgroup_attributes, with custom defaults for the auto discovered servers. For example, this allows a user to impose custom weights on this autodiscovered instances, for more information see mysql_hostgroup_attributes. Default table entries created by the bootstrapping process are:

  • Hostgroup 0 – RW:
    • hostgroup_id: 0
    • servers_defaults: '{"weight": 1, "max_connections": 512, "use_ssl": 1}'
  • Hostgroup 1 – RO:
    • hostgroup_id: 1
    • servers_defaults: '{"weight": 1, "max_connections": 512, "use_ssl": 1}'

Important: Since this table isn’t rebuilt when configdb is present, discovered backend servers will still preserve the SSL configuration due to the use_ssl field on servers_defaults. Even if a user specify other value in the command line for --ssl-mode. This is expected behavior.

mysql_query_rules</strong >:

Allows the user to have their own rules instead of the simple default port based RW. By default the table entries created by the bootstrapping process are:

  • rule_id: 0, active: 1, proxy_port: RW_PORT, destination_hostgroup: 0, apply: 1
  • rule_id: 1, active: 1, proxy_port: RO_PORT, destination_hostgroup: 1, apply: 1

RW_PORT is the port configured by user via --conf-base-port, or if not, default 6446. RO_PORT is RW_PORT + 1.

MySQL Router differences

MySQL Router also offers a bootstrap mode, and while the initial configuration steps are pretty similar, and the end configuration should also be compatible, operationally there are some differences of which a user should be aware of.

InnoDB Cluster dependence

MySQL Router requires of InnoDB Cluster, it’s even defined as part of it. In this sense, MySQL Router is only aware of the servers that are configured (promoted) to be part of InnoDB Cluster, this configuration is typically performed via MySQL Shell.

ProxySQL on the other hand doesn’t rely on InnoDB Cluster, it operates in terms off it’s configuration and the MySQL Group Replication cluster that is monitoring. When the cluster status itself changes, ProxySQL automatically handles this new status, this includes:

  • Cluster resizing.
  • Server state changes.

Configuration precedence

MySQL Router recreates all it’s configuration during --bootstrap, with the exception of router_id, which is reused. All changes present made to an existing configuration file are discarded, the way to supply extra configuration after the bootstrapping process, would be to split the config into multiple files and make use of the --extra-config command line option, supplying extra config file that would be applied after the main one (generated during bootstrap).

ProxySQL takes a different approach, one that more closely matches it’s original configuration philosophy. The initial configuration via --bootstrap accomplishes the same goal as the MySQL Router one, creating a fresh configdb. Bu contrary to MySQL Router behavior, subsequent --bootstrap initializations won’t discard the current configdb, some sections of the current configdb will be preserve, allowing users to customize the expected configuration. For more info, see main section configuration precedence.

RW Split – Routing

By default, the bootstrap configuration provides a RW Split, please remember that this is a very simplistic setup, which shouldn’t be recommended for many scenarios, and that ProxySQL allows for a much fine degree of control for routing. See mysql_query_rules for more details.


When InnoDB Cluster is configured in Single-Primary mode, and there is more than one server in the Cluster, the default bootstrap configuration produces a compatible setup between ProxySQL and MySQL Router:

  • Primary server is target by RW port.
  • Replica servers are target by the RO port, load is balanced between the servers.

For MySQL Router this means that by default the ports are configured under the following modes:

  • RW port operates under read-write config.
  • RO port operates under read-only config mode.

These modes operate with different routing strategies, which is the main difference with ProxySQL, we will elaborate on this on Multi-Primary section. For more information, you can refer to mysql_router_mode.

For ProxySQL instead, this means that the servers are going to be automatically placed into two different hostgroups:

  • RW is going to be represented with hostgroup 0: This hostgroup will contain the amount of servers specified in configuration that are in PRIMARY mode, by default, bootstrap will set mysql_group_replication_hostgroups to allow just one server in this hostgroup. Since we are in Single Primary mode, the number of PRIMARY servers will always match this given config.
  • RO is going to be represented with hostgroup 1: This hostgroup will contain all the servers which are not present in hostgroup 0, but are part of the Group Replication cluster.


When operation in Multi-Primary mode, MySQL Cluster has, by default, the same configuration as for Single-Primary mode. This is, the port configuration is again:

  • RW port operates under read-write config.
  • RO port operates under read-only config mode.

It’s important to note that the routing strategy that it’s used by default for read-write in both, Single-Primary and Multi-Primary modes is the same, which is first-available. So in essence the same behavior is exhibit for routing when the cluster is working in Single-Primary, and Multi-Primary modes.

For ProxySQL routing behavior will be the same with the default config, but if mysql_group_replication_hostgroups is changed, allowing a bigger number of writers via max_writers then more than one server will be present in the hostgroup 0, which will make ProxySQL balance the queries between all the servers present in this hostgroup. In this scenario, behavior from MySQL Router and ProxySQL will defer, as MySQL Router will use by default the strategy first-available, effectively sending all the traffic to one server, while ProxySQL will balance the load between all available writers.

This a subtle but worth mentioning difference.

Special Case – Single Server

We are going to use this special case, as an example for also illustrating MySQL Router dependency with InnoDB Cluster, and the difference in behavior with ProxySQL. If a cluster has only one server, MySQL Router will sends traffic from both ports to the same server:

mysql -c -uroot -proot -h127.0.0.1 -P6446 --protocol=TCP --verbose --table --ssl-mode=DISABLED -e"SELECT @@server_id"
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
SELECT @@server_id

| @@server_id |
|         111 |
mysql -c -uroot -proot -h127.0.0.1 -P6447 --protocol=TCP --verbose --table --ssl-mode=DISABLED -e"SELECT @@server_id"
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
SELECT @@server_id

| @@server_id |
|         111 |

At the moment another server is added to the GR cluster, Router stops accepting traffic in ANY port, until InnoDB Cluster status is updated:

mysql -c -uroot -proot -h127.0.0.1 -P6446 --protocol=TCP --verbose --table --ssl-mode=DISABLED -e"SELECT @@server_id"
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111)
mysql -c -uroot -proot -h127.0.0.1 -P6447 --protocol=TCP --verbose --table --ssl-mode=DISABLED -e"SELECT @@server_id"
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111)

After adding the new node to the InnoDB cluster:

MySQL  localhost  JS > var cluster = dba.getCluster()
MySQL  localhost  JS > cluster.rescan()

Result of the rescanning operation for the 'devCluster' cluster:
    "name": "devCluster",
    "newTopologyMode": null,
    "newlyDiscoveredInstances": [
            "host": "",
            "member_id": "8cdc9dc3-fb1b-11ed-bbea-0242ac140003",
            "name": null,
            "version": "8.0.33"
    "unavailableInstances": [],
    "updatedInstances": []

MySQL Router now starts accepting traffic again to both ports. This time with a working RW split.

mysql -c -uroot -proot -h127.0.0.1 -P6447 --protocol=TCP --ssl-mode=DISABLED -e"SELECT @@server_id"
| @@server_id |
|         333 |

Meanwhile, by default in ProxySQL a read-write split will be setup for the same default ports as MySQL router. Two hostgroups can be expected, 0 and 1:

  • Hostgroup 0 will contains the servers marked as PRIMARY.
  • Hostgroup 1 will contains non PRIMARY servers.

Variable writer_is_also_reader will be 0, so for properly serving RW and RO traffic on the designated ports, both hostgroups should have at least one healthy server.

Summarizing, while MySQL Router will server traffic from both ports two just one server in case of InnoDB Cluster just having one member, ProxySQL will expect two healthy servers, one in which hostgroup for the RW to be functional.

SSL mode:

The behavior for SSL is different for ProxySQL and MySQL Router:

  • MySQL Router takes the default mode supplied by this option and uses it for the bootstrap connection and later monitoring connections. SSL mode is forwarded for user connections at a per-connection bases, this means, that if a particular client connects with --ssl-mode=DISABLED in the frontend, it will connect with that very same mode against the backend MYSQL server.
  • ProxySQL keeps both worlds separated, client connections can only decided how they want to connect to frontend connections. The SSL mode for connections between ProxySQL and backend servers is determined by mysql_servers configuration. For knowing how --bootstrap affects this configuration by default, check section command line options.

Bootstrap Example Commands

This section describe with several examples how to make use of several command line options for tunning the resulting bootstrap configuration.


As a minimal config, provide the required CA cert, toguether with client’s key and cert:

proxysql -f --bootstrap root:[email protected]:3306 \
    --ssl-mode REQUIRED --ssl-ca '/tmp/server_certs/ca.pem' \
    --ssl-cert '/tmp/server_certs/client-cert.pem' \
    --ssl-key '/tmp/server_certs/client-key.pem' \
    -d bootstrap_datadir

In the same fashion we can specify the rest of SSL related variables:

--ssl-capath arg
--ssl-cert arg
--ssl-cipher arg
--ssl-crl arg
--ssl-crlpath arg

RW Split port config:

Perform a regular bootstrap in a clean datadir:

proxysql -f --bootstrap root:[email protected]:3306 --conf-bind-address "" \
    --conf-base-port 6448 -d bootstrap_datadir

ProxySQL should have created two query rules for hostgroup 0 and hostgroup 1, and should redirect incoming traffic in port 6448 to hostgroup 0 and traffic to port 6449 to hostgroup 1.

Important: If ProxySQL is started again in bootstrap mode in the same datadir, the RW split rules wont be updated, because of the reasons described in section configuration precedence. This is expected behavior.

Accounts creation

Here we present some examples on account creation, using the command line arguments --account and --account-create.

Simple bootstrapping ProxySQL will either create a new account, or reuse a previous one if found:

proxysql -f --bootstrap root:[email protected]:3306 -d bootstrap_datadir

Don’t create account, ProxySQL will ask for password for already existing account, will abort if account doesn’t exists:

proxysql -f --bootstrap root:[email protected]:3306 \
    --account bt_proxysql_DUKRhvf8Hl8N --account-create never -d bootstrap_datadir

Always create the account, ProxySQL will ask for password, will abort if account already exists:

proxysql -f --bootstrap root:[email protected]:3306 \
    --account bt_proxysql_DUKRhvf8Hl8N --account-create always -d bootstrap_datadir