MySQL Monitor Variables

List of MySQL Monitor Variables

NOTE: You can click on the variable name to jump to its definition

Variable Name Default Value
mysql-monitor_connect_interval 60000
mysql-monitor_connect_timeout 600
mysql-monitor_local_dns_cache_refresh_interval 60000
mysql-monitor_local_dns_cache_ttl 300000
mysql-monitor_local_dns_resolver_queue_maxsize 128
mysql-monitor_enabled true
mysql-monitor_galera_healthcheck_interval 5000
mysql-monitor_galera_healthcheck_max_timeout_count 3
mysql-monitor_galera_healthcheck_timeout 800
mysql-monitor_groupreplication_healthcheck_interval 5000
mysql-monitor_groupreplication_healthcheck_max_timeout_count 3
mysql-monitor_groupreplication_healthcheck_timeout 800
mysql-monitor_groupreplication_max_transactions_behind_count 3
mysql-monitor_groupreplication_max_transactions_behind_for_read_only 1
mysql-monitor_history 600000
mysql-monitor_password monitor
mysql-monitor_ping_interval 8000
mysql-monitor_ping_max_failures 3
mysql-monitor_ping_timeout 1000
mysql-monitor_query_interval 60000
mysql-monitor_query_timeout 100
mysql-monitor_read_only_interval 1500
mysql-monitor_read_only_max_timeout_count 3
mysql-monitor_read_only_timeout 500
mysql-monitor_replication_lag_count 1
mysql-monitor_replication_lag_group_by_host false
mysql-monitor_replication_lag_interval 10000
mysql-monitor_replication_lag_timeout 1000
mysql-monitor_slave_lag_when_null 60
mysql-monitor_threads_max 128
mysql-monitor_threads_min 8
mysql-monitor_threads_queue_maxsize 128
mysql-monitor_username monitor
mysql-monitor_wait_timeout true
mysql-monitor_writer_is_also_reader true


The interval at which the Monitor module of the proxy will try to connect to all the MySQL servers in order to check whether they are available or not.

System Variable Name mysql-monitor_connect_interval
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer (milliseconds)
Default 120000 (2 mins)
Minimum 100
Maximum 604800000


Connection timeout in milliseconds. The current implementation rounds this value to an integer number of seconds less or equal to the original interval, with 1 second as minimum. This lazy rounding is done because SSL connections are blocking calls.

System Variable Name mysql-monitor_connect_timeout
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer (milliseconds)
Default 200
Minimum 100
Maximum 600000


It enables or disables MySQL Monitor.

System Variable Name mysql-monitor_enabled
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Boolean
Default true


The interval at which the proxy should connect to the backend servers in order to monitor the Galera status of a node. Nodes can be temporarily shunned if their status is not available which is controlled by the mysql_galera_hostgroups.max_transactions_behind column in the admin interface, on a per-hostgroup level (introduced in ProxySQL v2.0).

System Variable Name mysql-monitor_galera_healthcheck_interval
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer (milliseconds)
Default 5000
Minimum 50
Maximum 604800000


Sets the max number of times ProxySQL has timeout checking on a Galera Node before declaring it OFFLINE.

System Variable Name mysql-monitor_galera_healthcheck_max_timeout_count
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer
Default 3


How long the Monitor module will wait for a Galera status check reply (introduced in ProxySQL v2.0).

System Variable Name mysql-monitor_galera_healthcheck_timeout
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer (milliseconds)
Default 800
Minimum 50
Maximum 600000


The interval at which the proxy should connect to the backend servers in order to monitor the Group Replication status of a node. Nodes can be temporarily shunned if their status is not available which is controlled by the mysql_group_replication_hostgroups.max_transactions_behind column in the admin interface, on a per-hostgroup level.

System Variable Name mysql-monitor_groupreplication_healthcheck_interval
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer (milliseconds)
Default 5000
Minimum 50
Maximum 604800000


Sets the max number of times ProxySQL has timeout checking on a Group Replication Node before declaring it OFFLINE.

System Variable Name mysql-monitor_groupreplication_healthcheck_max_timeout_count
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer
Default 3


How long the Monitor module will wait for a Group Replication status check reply.

System Variable Name mysql-monitor_groupreplication_healthcheck_timeout
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer (milliseconds)
Default 800
Minimum 50
Maximum 600000


Sets the number of times that a server needs to fail a ‘max_transactions_behind’ check before an action is performed. If the number of failed checks exceeds this number:

NOTE: After v2.3.0 ProxySQL SHUNNED status is executed in two stages in order to allow a grace time before terminating all the connections

System Variable Name mysql-monitor_groupreplication_max_transactions_behind_count
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer
Default 3
Minimum 1
Maximum 10


Determines which action is going to be performed over a server when ‘mysql-monitor_groupreplication_max_transactions_behind_count‘ is exceeded. Possible values are:

  • ‘0’: Only servers with read_only=0 are placed as ‘SHUNNED’.
  • ‘1’: Only servers with read_only=1 are placed as ‘SHUNNED’ (default).
  • ‘2’: Both servers with read_only=1 and read_only=0 are placed as ‘SHUNNED’.

System Variable Name mysql-monitor_groupreplication_max_transactions_behind_for_read_only
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer (milliseconds)
Default 1
Minimum 0
Maximum 2


The duration for which the events for the checks made by the Monitor module are kept. Such events include connecting to backend servers (to check for connectivity issues), querying them with a simple query (in order to check that they are running correctly) or checking their replication lag. These logs are kept in the following admin tables:

  • mysql_server_connect_log
  • mysql_server_ping_log
  • mysql_server_replication_lag_log

System Variable Name mysql-monitor_history
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer (milliseconds)
Default 600000 (60 seconds)
Minimum 1000
Maximum 604800000


System Variable Name mysql-monitor_local_dns_cache_refresh_interval
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer (milliseconds)
Default 60000 (60 seconds)
Minimum 0 (DNS Cache disabled)
Maximum 604800000

Specifies the refresh interval at which monitor DNS cache entries, ‘mysql_servers’ and ‘proxysql_servers’ will be re-check for new records. If expired entries are found, i.e entries with higher lifetimes than mysql-monitor_local_dns_cache_ttl, a new resolution attempt will be placed in the DNS resolver queue.


System Variable Name mysql-monitor_local_dns_cache_ttl
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer (milliseconds)
Default 300000 (300 seconds)
Minimum 0 (DNS Cache disabled)
Maximum 604800000

Specifies the expiration time for DNS cache entries for monitor. Once a entry outlives this threshold, a new resolution attempt will be placed in the DNS resolver queue when re-checked at the next refresh interval.


System Variable Name mysql-monitor_local_dns_resolver_queue_maxsize
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer
Default 128
Minimum 16
Maximum 1024

Determines how much the DNS resolver queue can grow before starting new monitoring helper threads. The number of threads is dynamically scaled, starting with 1 helper thread, up to 32 threads. Whenever this scaling is found necessary, a message is placed in the error log.


Specifies the password that the Monitor module will use to connect to the backends.

System Variable Name mysql-monitor_password
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type String
Default monitor


The interval at which the Monitor module should ping the backend servers by using the mysql_ping API. Before version 1.4.14, the default was 60000 (1 minute).

System Variable Name mysql-monitor_ping_interval
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer (milliseconds)
Default 8000
Minimum 100
Maximum 604800000


The maximum number of ping failures the Monitor module should tolerate before sending a signal to MySQL_Hostgroups_Manager to kill all connections to the backend server.

System Variable Name mysql-monitor_ping_max_failures
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer
Default 3
Minimum 1
Maximum 1000000


How long the Monitor module will wait for a ping reply.

System Variable Name mysql-monitor_ping_timeout
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer (milliseconds)
Default 1000
Minimum 100
Maximum 600000


Currently unused. Will be used by the Monitor module in order to collect data about the global status of the backend servers.

System Variable Name mysql-monitor_query_interval
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer (milliseconds)
Default 60000 (1 min)
Minimum 100
Maximum 604800000


Currently unused. Will be used by the Monitor module in order to collect data about the global status of the backend servers.

System Variable Name mysql-monitor_query_timeout
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer (milliseconds)
Default 100


Defines the frequency to check the Read Only status of a backend server (in milliseconds).

System Variable Name mysql-monitor_read_only_interval
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer (milliseconds)
Default 1000 (1 sec)
Minimum 100
Maximum 604800000


When the monitor thread performs a read_only check, AND the check exceeds mysql-monitor_read_only_timeout, repeat the read_only check up to mysql-monitor_read_only_max_timeout_count times before setting the replica to OFFLINE HARD.

System Variable Name mysql-monitor_read_only_max_timeout_count
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer (milliseconds)
Default 3
Minimum 1
Maximum 999999


The timeout for a single attempt at checking the Read Only status on a backend server from the proxy.

System Variable Name mysql-monitor_read_only_timeout
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer (milliseconds)
Default 800
Minimum 100
Maximum 600000


Defines the count at which a server is going to be SHUNNED due to replication lag if it’s currently found replication lag exceeds the specified max_replication_lag for the server.

System Variable Name mysql-monitor_replication_lag_count
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer (milliseconds)
Default 1


Introduced in v2.4.0. Allows to control how monitor performs replication lag checks over servers in hostgroups. Possible values are:

  • true: Monitor will perform 1 replication lag check per server per hostgroup.
  • false: Monitor will perform 1 replication lag check per server.

NOTE: This variable need to be set only in setups in which the same server is configured in many hostgroups, thus reducing the number of checks.

System Variable Name mysql-monitor_replication_lag_group_by_host
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Boolean
Default false


The interval at which the proxy should connect to the backend servers in order to monitor the replication lag between those that are slaves and their masters. Slaves can be temporarily shunned if the replication lag is too large. This setting is controlled by the mysql_servers.max_replication_lag column in the admin interface, at a per-hostgroup level.

System Variable Name mysql-monitor_replication_lag_interval
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer (milliseconds)
Default 10000
Minimum 100
Maximum 604800000


How long the Monitor module will wait for the output of SHOW SLAVE STATUS to be returned from the database.

System Variable Name mysql-monitor_replication_lag_timeout
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer (milliseconds)
Default 1000
Minimum 100
Maximum 600000


This variable defines the . where pt-heartbeat information is written, when this variable is defined replication lag checks are determined based on the values in this table rather than SHOW SLAVE STATUS. This is empty by default, when using pt-heartbeat the value is typically defined as percona.heartbeat.

System Variable Name mysql-monitor_replication_lag_use_percona_heartbeat
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type String


When replication check returns that Seconds_Behind_Master=NULL, the value of mysql-monitor_slave_lag_when_null (in seconds) is assumed to be the current replication lag. This allows to either shun or keep online a server where replication is broken/stopped.

System Variable Name mysql-monitor_slave_lag_when_null
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer (seconds)
Default 60
Minimum (up to 1.3.1) 100
Minimum (from 1.3.2 onwards) 0
Maximum 604800 (1 week)


Controls the maximum number of threads within the Monitor Module thread pool. Introduced in ProxySQL v2.0. From 1.3.2 and before 2.0 the minimum value was hardcoded.

System Variable Name mysql-monitor_threads_max
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer
Default 128
Minimum (from 1.3.2 onwards) 4
Maximum 256


Controls the minimum number of threads within the Monitor Module thread pool. Introduced in ProxySQL v2.0. From 1.3.2 and before 2.0 the minimum value was hardcoded.

System Variable Name mysql-monitor_threads_min
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer
Default 8
Minimum (from 1.3.2 onwards) 2
Maximum 16


The variable controls how many checks are queued before starting new monitor threads.

System Variable Name mysql-monitor_threads_queue_maxsize
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Integer
Default 128
Minimum 16
Maximum 1024


DEPRECATED This variable controls whether ProxySQL should use a cached (and less accurate) value of wall clock time, or not.

System Variable Name mysql-monitor_timer_cached
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Boolean
Default true


Specifies the username that the Monitor module will use to connect to the backends. The user needs only USAGE privileges to connect, ping and check read_only. The user needs also REPLICATION CLIENT if it needs to monitor replication lag. The user specified in mysql-monitor_username CANNOT be used in mysql_users.

System Variable Name mysql-monitor_username
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type String
Default monitor


In order to avoid being disconnected the Monitor Module tunes wait_timeout on its connections to backends. This is generally a good thing, however it could become a problem if ProxySQL is acting as a “forwarder”. When mysql-monitor_wait_timeout is set to false the feature is disabled.

System Variable Name mysql-monitor_wait_timeout
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Boolean
Default true


When a node changes its read_only value from 1 to 0, this variable determines if the node should be present in both hostgroups or not:

  • false : the node will be moved in writer_hostgroup and removed from reader_hostgroup
  • true : the node will be copied in writer_hostgroup and it will also stay in reader_hostgroup

System Variable Name mysql-monitor_writer_is_also_reader
Dynamic Yes
Permitted Values Type Boolean
Default true