Upgrading to latest ProxySQL

While we are excited about the new features and enhancements that come with every ProxySQL version, we understand that upgrading any software is a significant step that requires careful planning and testing.

We strongly recommend all ProxySQL users consider upgrading to the latest stable version to benefit from the enhanced security features and performance improvements.
However, it’s crucial to conduct comprehensive testing according to best practices standards before deploying any new software version in a production environment.

Best Practices for Upgrading

  1. Backup Your Data: Always start with a full backup of your database and ProxySQL configuration. In the unlikely event of an issue, you’ll be able to restore your system to its previous state. Please note that this is crucial.
  2. Review the Changelog: Familiarize yourself with the new features, bug fixes, and any changes in behavior from the version you are currently using. This knowledge will help you understand the impacts and benefits of the upgrade.
  3. Test in a Staging Environment: Replicate your production environment as closely as possible in a staging area. Apply the upgrade to this test environment first, allowing you to identify any issues or adjustments needed without risking your live operations.
  4. Monitor Performance Metrics: Before and after the upgrade, monitor performance metrics closely. This comparison will help you gauge the impact of the upgrade on your system’s performance.
  5. Roll Out Gradually: If possible, consider a phased rollout of the upgrade, starting with less critical environments. This approach allows you to catch and rectify any unforeseen issues before they can affect critical systems.
  6. Consult the Documentation: Leverage the ProxySQL documentation for specific upgrade instructions and best practices. Our detailed guides are designed to help you navigate the upgrade process smoothly.
  7. Reach out to ProxySQL Support: For any questions or guidance through your upgrade process, our exceptional support team is always just a message away, ready to assist our valuable customers with expertise and care. Reach out to us for unparalleled assistance.

Configuration database , upgrade and downgrade

ProxySQL stores its own configuration on an SQLite3 database named proxysql.db .
Refer to Configuring ProxySQL for further details.
The tables structures of such database is likely to change from a ProxySQL version to another, and this requires some attention.
Each ProxySQL version is able to understand the tables structures of previous versions , and it will automatically perform tables structures upgrades when required. Another aspect of this is that an old ProxySQL version may not understand a new table structure after it has been upgrades during a ProxySQL upgrade.
For this reason ProxySQL downgrade may not be possible when proxysql.db has been upgrade: it is therefore crucial to always backup proxysql.db before any upgrade.


Upgrading to ProxySQL latest is a step toward securing and optimizing your database operations, but it’s vital to approach this process with diligence. By following these best practices, you can ensure a smooth transition and take full advantage of the new features and improvements in ProxySQL latest release.