ProxySQL startup options

ProxySQL can be started with additional options, and it is possible to use specific flags to retrieve useful information. The options are the following:

  • -c, --config ARG: Start ProxySQL with passing the location of the configuration file
  • -D, --datadir ARG: Start ProxySQL with passing the location of the data directory
  • -e, --exit-on-error: ProxySQL restarts in the event of a crash by default. Since v2.6.2 this restart procedure has an exponential backoff. Supplying this option disables this mechanism.
  • -f, --foreground: ProxySQL will be running in the foreground, without starting the daemon (without forking), writing error messages to stderr.
  • -h, -help, --help, --usage: Invoking any of these will display usage options
  • -M, --no-monitor: ProxySQL will not start the Monitor Module
  • -n, --no-start: ProxySQL will only start the Admin service
  • -r, --reuseport: ProxySQL will use SO_REUSEPORT
  • -S, --admin-socket ARG: Start ProxySQL with passing the location of the Administration Unix Socket
  • -U, --uuid ARG: Start ProxySQL with the passing of the specific UUID
  • -V, --version: Displays the version of ProxySQL
  • --clickhouse-server: Enable Clickhouse Server
  • --idle-threads: Create auxiliary threads to handle idle connections
  • --initial: Rename/empty the database file
  • --no-version-check: Do not check for the latest version of ProxySQL
  • --reload: Merge the configuration file into the database file
  • --sqlite3-server: Enable SQLite3 Server