Sole provider of the Official ProxySQL Training Curriculum

ProxySQL’s Official Training Courses are designed for DBAs, application developers as well as IT generalists. Our authoritative training program is prepared and delivered by the team of database experts who actively build and maintain ProxySQL.

We deliver online as well as on-premise training classes. Learn established best practices for building solutions and authoritative techniques for operating ProxySQL from the best.

All courses focus on real world implementation scenarios and hands on labs to ensure participants acquireall the needed skills to deploy efficient, scalable and highly available solutions with ProxySQL.

Master your ProxySQL operational skills by working through instructor led training and tutorials on query routing, query caching, database failover, zero downtime configuration changes and more!

ProxySQL Total Training

  • ProxySQL use cases and real world examples
  • How to install, upgrade and configure ProxySQL with zero-downtime
  • Query routing, query caching and query fire-walling
  • Advanced performance monitoring and tuning
  • Deployment and scaling best practices
  • High Availability and advanced ProxySQL topology support
  • ProxySQL Cluster and configuration management
  • Failover in synchronous & asynchronous replication environments without losing transactions
  • Global Transaction ID (GTID) tracking with ProxySQL and the binary log (binlog) reader
  • Securing ProxySQL and implementing SSL
  • Application development considerations when using ProxySQL
  • Diagnosing issues and troubleshooting ProxySQL

Course length: 2 days


ProxySQL Essential Training

  • ProxySQL use cases and real world examples
  • How to install, upgrade and configure ProxySQL with zero-downtime
  • Query routing, query caching and query fire-walling
  • Advanced performance monitoring and tuning
  • Failover in synchronous & asynchronous replication environments without losing transactions
  • Securing ProxySQL and implementing SSL