Group Replication Configuration

MySQL Group Replication is a MySQL Server Plugin that enables elastic, highly-available, fault-tolerant replication topologies. Group Replication guarantees that the database service is continuously available. Nevertheless, this availability refers to the database service at group level, if one of the members of group becomes unavailable, routing the traffic to the currently available members is required via some form of middleware, or by the connector itself. This is where ProxySQL enters the picture.

ProxySQL has had native support for Group Replication since v1.4.0. Support received multiple enhancements in version v2.5.0, and native support for MySQL 8.0 since v2.6.0. Support for MySQL 8 Group Replication allows:

  • Multiple clusters support, ProxySQL can face and monitor multiple Group replication clusters.
  • Seamless failover for SINGLE|MULTI-PRIMARY modes.
  • Replica SHUNNING via replication-lag detection.
  • Load distribution for read-write and read-only traffic.
  • Replica autodiscovery (Since v2.6.0).

Table mysql_group_replication_hostgroups

To enable monitoring for Group Replication clusters, they need to be configured via table mysql_group_replication_hostgroups. Table structure:

Admin> show create table mysql_group_replication_hostgroups\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
table: mysql_group_replication_hostgroups
Create Table: CREATE TABLE mysql_group_replication_hostgroups (
    writer_hostgroup INT CHECK (writer_hostgroup>=0) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    backup_writer_hostgroup INT CHECK (backup_writer_hostgroup>=0 AND backup_writer_hostgroup<>writer_hostgroup) NOT NULL,
    reader_hostgroup INT NOT NULL CHECK (reader_hostgroup<>writer_hostgroup AND backup_writer_hostgroup<>reader_hostgroup AND reader_hostgroup>0),
    offline_hostgroup INT NOT NULL CHECK (offline_hostgroup<>writer_hostgroup AND offline_hostgroup<>reader_hostgroup AND backup_writer_hostgroup<>offline_hostgroup AND offline_hostgroup>=0),
    active INT CHECK (active IN (0,1)) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
    max_writers INT NOT NULL CHECK (max_writers >= 0) DEFAULT 1,
    writer_is_also_reader INT CHECK (writer_is_also_reader IN (0,1,2)) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    max_transactions_behind INT CHECK (max_transactions_behind>=0) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    comment VARCHAR,
    UNIQUE (reader_hostgroup),
    UNIQUE (offline_hostgroup),
    UNIQUE (backup_writer_hostgroup))
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

The fields have the following semantics:

  • writer_hostgroup: Hostgroup to which all traffic should be sent by default. Nodes that have read_only=0 in MySQL will be assigned to this hostgroup.
  • backup_writer_hostgroup: Writers (read_only=0) exceeding max_writers will be assigned to this hostgroup.
  • reader_hostgroup: Hostgroup to which read traffic should be sent to, query rules or a separate read only user should be defined to route traffic to this hostgroup. Nodes that have read_only=1 will be assigned to this hostgroup.
  • offline_hostgroup: Hostgroup for nodes detected as OFFLINE or unhealthy.
  • active: Enables ProxySQL Monitoring of the cluster.
  • max_writers: Maximum number of nodes that should be allowed in the writer_hostgroup, nodes in excess of this value will assigned to the backup_writer_hostgroup.
  • writer_is_also_reader: Determines if a node should be added to the reader_hostgroup as well as to the writer_hostgroup. The special value writer_is_also_reader=2 signals that only the nodes in backup_writer_hostgroup are also in reader_hostgroup, excluding the node(s) in the writer_hostgroup. See Servers Placement.
  • max_transactions_behind: Determines the maximum number of transactions behind the writers that ProxySQL should allow before shunning the node to prevent stale reads. For more details check section Max Transactions Behind.
  • comment: Text field that can be used for any purpose defined by the user. Could be a description of what the cluster stores, a reminder of when the hostgroup was added or disabled, or a JSON processed by some checker script.

Following the same convention of other configuration tables, the configuration currently loaded at runtime is available in table runtime_mysql_group_replication_hostgroups, that is the runtime configuration of mysql_group_replication_hostgroups .

Configuration Steps

As for the other monitoring configuration tables, when a user wants to make use of mysql_group_replication_hostgroups. He needs to:

  1. Insert an entry into mysql_group_replication_hostgroups specifying the hostgroups for the cluster servers.
  2. Add servers to mysql_servers table, placing them in the hostgroups configured in mysql_group_replication_hostgroups.

When configuration is loaded to runtime (via LOAD MYSQL SERVERS TO RUNTIME). Group Replication monitoring will be enabled for any servers placed in those hostgroups.

It’s important to notice that the configured servers are not required to be in their final hostgroups when configured by the users, but it’s highly recommended doing so, minizing this way the number of reconfigurations by ProxySQL required when loading to runtime. Otherwise, if an user has placed servers in their not final hostgroups, for example, the PRIMARY as a REPLICA in the reader_hostgroup, each time the user issues a LOAD MYSQL SERVERS TO RUNTIME the server needs to be deleted by Monitor from the reader_hostgroup and placed into the writer_hostgroup, when it’s detected than in reality it was a PRIMARY. This is the kind of reconfigurations that could be avoided placing the servers correctly.

Configuration Example

First we add a new entry into mysql_group_replication_hostgroups:

DELETE FROM mysql_group_replication_hostgroups;
INSERT INTO mysql_group_replication_hostgroups (writer_hostgroup,backup_writer_hostgroup,reader_hostgroup,offline_hostgroup,active,max_writers,writer_is_also_reader,max_transactions_behind) VALUES (30,34,31,36,1,1,1,0);

Then we add a primary and a replica to mysql_servers table:

DELETE FROM mysql_servers WHERE hostgroup_id BETWEEN 30 AND 39;
INSERT INTO mysql_servers (hostgroup_id,hostname,port,comment) VALUES (30,'',3306,'mysql8-gr1');
INSERT INTO mysql_servers (hostgroup_id,hostname,port,comment) VALUES (31,'',3306,'mysql8-gr2');
INSERT INTO mysql_servers (hostgroup_id,hostname,port,comment) VALUES (31,'',3306,'mysql8-gr3');

And finally we can optionally set some servers_defaults, for replica autodiscovery:

DELETE FROM mysql_hostgroup_attributes WHERE hostgroup_id=31;
INSERT INTO mysql_hostgroup_attributes (hostgroup_id,servers_defaults) VALUES (31, '{"max_connections":500,"use_ssl":1}');

Then we just promote our new configuration to runtime, and then save it:


After adding a new replica to our cluster, our runtime_mysql_servers table should look like:

admin> SELECT * FROM runtime_mysql_servers;
| hostgroup_id | hostname   | port | gtid_port | status | weight | compression | max_connections | max_replication_lag | use_ssl | max_latency_ms | comment    |
| 30           | | 3306 | 0         | ONLINE | 1      | 0           | 1000            | 0                   | 0       | 0              | mysql8-gr1 |
| 31           | | 3306 | 0         | ONLINE | 1      | 0           | 1000            | 0                   | 0       | 0              | mysql8-gr1 |
| 31           | | 3306 | 0         | ONLINE | 1      | 0           | 1000            | 0                   | 0       | 0              | mysql8-gr2 |
| 31           | | 3306 | 0         | ONLINE | 1      | 0           | 1000            | 0                   | 0       | 0              | mysql8-gr3 |
| 31           | | 3306 | 0         | ONLINE | 1      | 0           | 500             | 0                   | 1       | 0              |            |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Monitor tables

Monitor module has one table regards to MySQL Group Replication:

Admin> SHOW TABLES FROM monitor;
| tables                               |
| mysql_server_group_replication_log   |

Table mysql_server_group_replication_log

admin> SHOW CREATE TABLE monitor.mysql_server_group_replication_log\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
table: mysql_server_group_replication_log
Create Table: CREATE TABLE mysql_server_group_replication_log (
    hostname VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    port INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 3306,
    time_start_us INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    success_time_us INT DEFAULT 0,
    viable_candidate VARCHAR NOT NULL DEFAULT 'NO',
    transactions_behind INT DEFAULT 0,
    error VARCHAR,
    PRIMARY KEY (hostname, port, time_start_us))
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

When a MySQL Group Replication cluster is enabled via mysql_group_replication_hostgroups, ProxySQL spawns a monitoring thread in a per-cluster basis. This thread will perform a check on each member of the cluster, at each monitoring interval, querying the following information:

  • viable_candidate: If the server is considered a viable cluster member candidate, this means, that ProxySQL is sure that the server is a rightful member of the cluster, and that’s MEMBER_STATUS is ONLINE. If a server isn’t considered a viable candidate, it’s placed in the offline_hostgroup.
  • read_only: Status of the READ_ONLY flag in the instance. A server set in READ_ONLY mode, is placed in the reader_hostgroup defined in mysql_group_replication_hostgroups.
  • transactions_behind: Number of transactions the instance is lagging behind the PRIMARY. If a server is lagging behind the user defined threshold, the server is set as SHUNNED. This state, will prevent the server for receiving new queries until replication catches up. For more details see Max Transactions Behind.

For extra details about the previous fields check Infra Setup: Monitoring Data Source section. The table also provide additional fields, with information about the check operation itself:

  • hostname/port: The node where the check was performed.
  • time_start_us : When the check was started.
  • success_time_us : If the check was successful, how long did it take.
  • error: If the check was not successful, what was the error message.

An example output of the contents of the table:

admin> SELECT * FROM monitor.mysql_server_group_replication_log ORDER BY time_start_us LIMIT 4;
| hostname   | port | time_start_us    | success_time_us | viable_candidate | read_only | transactions_behind | error |
| | 3306 | 1691393274560275 | 1325            | YES              | NO        | 0                   | NULL  |
| | 3306 | 1691393274560776 | 1208            | YES              | NO        | 0                   | NULL  |
| | 3306 | 1691393274560997 | 1252            | YES              | NO        | 0                   | NULL  |
| | 3306 | 1691393274561216 | 1427            | YES              | NO        | 0                   | NULL  |
4 rows in set (0.01 sec)

Monitoring Actions

Actions over the servers are overall of two different kinds:

  • Servers placement in hostgroups.
  • Changes in servers status.

There multiple factors that ProxySQL takes into account for performing these actions. Next sections elaborate on them.

Servers Placement

Server placement behavior is always the same for offline_hostgroup and writer_hostgroup.

writer_is_also_reader=0 (Default)

By default, servers are assigned to hostgroups in the following way:

  • writer_hostgroup: Servers with read_only=0, until max_writers is reached.
  • backup_writer_hostgroup: Writers exceeding max_writers.
  • reader_hostgroup: Servers with read_only=1.
  • offline_hostgroup: Hostgroup for nodes detected as OFFLINE or unhealthy.

ProxySQL considers that servers are OFFLINE or unhealthy when:

  • A monitor check has failed with other error than timeout.
  • Server check reported the node to be viable_candidate='NO'.

In both of these cases, ProxySQL will move the server to the offline_hostgroup, killing all current connections to it. If the server is later recovered, a monitoring action will accordingly move it again to the required information obtained in the monitor check.


Writers are now considered as viable readers:

  • writer_hostgroup: Servers with read_only=0, until max_writers is reached.
  • backup_writer_hostgroup: Writers exceeding max_writers.
  • reader_hostgroup: Servers with read_only=1 and read_only=0.


Backup writers are now considered viable readers:

  • writer_hostgroup: Servers with read_only=0, until max_writers is reached.
  • backup_writer_hostgroup: Writers exceeding max_writers.
  • reader_hostgroup: Servers with read_only=1 and servers present in backup_writer_hostgroup.

Servers Status Change: SHUNNING

The SHUNNED state is a transitory state that ProxySQL applies for servers that appeart to be overwelmed or temporarly unavailable. When a server is placed in this state, no new connections will be created, or queries issued to it, until the state is reverted by ProxySQL. A common cause for a server to be SHUNNED is having too many connections errors in a short period of time, see mysql-connect_retries_on_failure and mysql-shun_on_failures.

Max Transactions Behind

In addition to this common behavior, monitoring for Group Replication offers the previously described max_transactions_behind configuration field. This setting works in combination with the following global configuration variables:

Together they determine when a server that is lagging should be set as SHUNNED. Since version v2.3.0, SHUNNING is performed in two stages, with the purpose of giving the server an extra grace period to recover:

  1. Server is flagged as SHUNNED after exceeding max_transactions_behind_count.
  2. If the server doesn’t recover, but exceeds max_transactions_behind_count * 2, the server is flagged as SHUNNED_REPLICATION_LAG, and all its connections are terminated.


As for other ProxySQL monitoring modes, ProxySQL performs the placement of the servers in one of the hostgroups defined by the configuration in mysql_group_replication_hostgroups. This means, that your desired routing will be a combination of the servers placement in these hostgroups, and the mysql_query_rules that you apply. See mysql_query_rules.

As detailed in section Max Transactions Behind, ProxySQL wont perform any hostgroup movements based on replication lag, only server SHUNNING, thus as in other monitoring modes, routing is only affected by replication lag at hostgroup level, i.e. servers within the target hostgroup marked as SHUNNED will be omitted during server selection.


Since v2.6.0 ProxySQL supports replica autodiscovery for Group Replication. This means that ProxySQL is able to retrieve and configure all REPLICAS servers present in the cluster just configuring one of its member, which is assumed to be the PRIMARY instance of the cluster. This autodicovery also support custom default values for the discovery severs via servers_defaults field from mysql_hostgroup_attributes.

This autodiscovery is not limited to REPLICAS but operates under this assumption, this may be relevant for user defined defaults, for more information check section Discovery Procedure.

Discovery Procedure

The discovery procedure is performed as part of the regular monitoring operations. ProxySQL is periodically checking for new cluster members via performance_schema.replication_group_members, the retrieved information is only valid if the server is considered a viable_candidate. When a new cluster member is detected:

  1. New servers are created using the fetched information, if relevant mysql_hostgroup_attributes are found for the target hostgroup of the server, which is assumed to be reader_hostgroup, the server will be created using this servers_defaults, otherwise default values are used.
  2. Monitoring thread for the cluster is restarted, targeting the previous and new servers.

Emphasizing the previously stated, the servers_defaults used for autodiscovered servers, always assume REPLICA servers are being discovered, which means that the mysql_hostgroup_attributes used are the ones corresponding to the reader_hostgroup configured at mysql_group_replication_hostgroups.


The autodiscovered servers are not automatically saved, they take effect as runtime configuration. This means that:

  1. If the servers wants to be discarded, issuing LOAD MYSQL SERVERS TO RUNTIME will promote the user configuration, deleting any servers not present in it. Thus, the autodiscovered servers will be deleted, if the servers were not present on the configuration but haven’t been removed as member of the cluster, the autodiscovery process will start again, creating and configuring them again.
  2. If the servers wants to be saved, issuing SAVE MYSQL SERVERS FROM RUNTIME, will save them to the current user configuration. As usual a subsequent SAVE MYSQL SERVERS TO DISK will make the configuration persistent.

Infra Setup: Monitoring Data Source

For older ProxySQL and MySQL versions, ProxySQL relies on table view sys.gr_member_routing_candidate_status, reference implementation here. This is only required now when monitoring MySQL versions older than 8.0. For newer versions, this table isn’t required. The information that ProxySQL fetches from the backend, and requires for monitoring is the following:

viable_candidate</strong >:

Wether if the server can be considered a rightful member of the cluster. This check ensures that:

  1. Member state is ONLINE.
  2. Member is part of the primary cluster partition, this prevent routing traffic to servers in split-brain scenarios.

Both the view and post v2.5.0 implementation for MySQL 8.0 ensure this.

read_only</strong >:

Status of the READ_ONLY flag on the instance.

transactions_behind</strong >:

The number of transactions that are currently waiting in the applier queue. Is obtained differently depending on ProxySQL and MySQL backend versions:

Reference Implementation: ‘sys.gr_member_routing_candidate_status’

Please notice that this table is no longer required when using for MySQL versions after 8.0. This is for exclusive use of legacy versions prior to 8.0:

USE sys;


RETURN IF(a = 0, b, a)$$

CREATE FUNCTION LOCATE2(needle TEXT(10000), haystack TEXT(10000), offset INT)
RETURN IFZERO(LOCATE(needle, haystack, offset), LENGTH(haystack) + 1)$$


  DECLARE colon_pos INT;
  DECLARE next_dash_pos INT;
  DECLARE next_colon_pos INT;
  DECLARE next_comma_pos INT;
  SET gtid_set = GTID_NORMALIZE(gtid_set);
  SET colon_pos = LOCATE2(':', gtid_set, 1);

  WHILE colon_pos != LENGTH(gtid_set) + 1 DO
     SET next_dash_pos = LOCATE2('-', gtid_set, colon_pos + 1);
     SET next_colon_pos = LOCATE2(':', gtid_set, colon_pos + 1);
     SET next_comma_pos = LOCATE2(',', gtid_set, colon_pos + 1);

     IF next_dash_pos < next_colon_pos AND next_dash_pos < next_comma_pos THEN
       SET result = result +
         SUBSTR(gtid_set, next_dash_pos + 1,
                LEAST(next_colon_pos, next_comma_pos) - (next_dash_pos + 1)) -
         SUBSTR(gtid_set, colon_pos + 1, next_dash_pos - (colon_pos + 1)) + 1;
       SET result = result + 1;
     END IF;

     SET colon_pos = next_colon_pos;
  RETURN result;

      sys.gtid_count (
            SELECT Received_transaction_set
            FROM performance_schema.replication_connection_status
            WHERE Channel_name='group_replication_applier'
          (SELECT @@global.GTID_EXECUTED)

        AND (
            SELECT COUNT(*)
            FROM performance_schema.replication_group_members
          ) >= (
              SELECT COUNT(*)
              FROM performance_schema.replication_group_members
            ) / 2
          ) = 0
      JOIN performance_schema.replication_group_member_stats rgms USING (member_id)

    SELECT count_transactions_in_queue
    FROM performance_schema.replication_group_member_stats

  gr_member_routing_candidate_status AS
  sys.gr_member_in_primary_partition() as viable_candidate,
          SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(variable_value)
          FROM performance_schema.global_variables
          WHERE variable_name IN ('read_only', 'super_read_only')
        ) != 'OFF,OFF'
  ) as read_only,
  sys.gr_applier_queue_length() as transactions_behind,
  sys.gr_transactions_to_cert() as transactions_to_cert;$$