
ProxySQL is a decentralized proxy, and it is normally advised to deploy it on the same server as the application if possible. This approach scales well up to hundred(s) of nodes and was designed to be easily reconfigurable at runtime. In order to administer a group of ProxySQL instances you would need to configure each host individually, use a configuration management tool such as Ansible/Chef/Puppet/Salt (in alphabetical order) or alternatively a service discovery tool like Consul/ZooKeeper. So while ProxySQL is highly customizable and can be deployed and managed in any environment using any of the already implemented configuration management tools technologies this approach has some drawbacks:

  • It requires and relies on external software (the configuration management software itself)
  • The previous point implies that such an approach is not natively supported
  • Converge time is not predictable
  • There is no protection against network split

For this reason, starting from ProxySQL 1.4.x configuration clustering is natively supported. Currently there are two main components in the ProxySQL clustering solution:

  • Monitoring
  • Re-configuration

Both components (monitoring and remote reconfiguration) are available for the following tables:

  • global_variables (Supported from ProxySQL 2.1.x)
  • mysql_query_rules
  • mysql_servers
  • mysql_replication_hostgroups
  • mysql_group_replication_hostgroups
  • mysql_galera_hostgroups
  • mysql_aws_aurora_hostgroups
  • mysql_hostgroup_attributes
  • mysql_users
  • proxysql_servers

Also, there are a couple of worth mentioning global features:

  • SSL support: All connections between peer nodes use SSL.
  • Prevention of unnecessary reconfigurations: Protections against fetching of transient states.
  • Circular fetching prevention: Several counter measures, enhanced in v2.6.0.
  • Peer version verification: Since v2.1.0, nodes check their peer versions and only pairs with the ones sharing the same versions.

Key concepts

Cluster members

A ProxySQL cluster is form by multiple ProxySQL nodes acting as one of two roles:

  • Core: Primary nodes of the cluster, they share and propagate the configuration.
  • Satellites: Replica nodes of the cluster, they fetch the configuration from the Core nodes.

By definition, a node member of a ProxySQL cluster is considered as a Core node if:

  • It’s present in its proxysql_servers table together with the other Core members.
  • It’s present in the proxysql_servers table of other Core nodes of the cluster.

These nodes together constitute the source of truth of the Cluster. Meanwhile, a Satellite node is by definition a node that:

  • It’s not present in its proxysql_servers table.
  • It’s not present in the proxysql_servers table of other Core nodes of the cluster.

Because this member isn’t present in the proxysql_servers table of the other nodes, it will never be part of the nodes promoting new configuration into the cluster, its role will be to pull new configuration when detected.

Supported Topologies

These two types of nodes are the base for all the supported topologies, which essentially differ in the number of Core and Satellite nodes in them:

  • Single Core node with/without Satellite nodes.
  • Multiple Core nodes with/without Satellite nodes.

These architectures are supported even without the notion of a single leader|primary node. ProxySQL has multiple builtin protections to prevent circular fetching and propagation of transient states between Core nodes. From v2.6.0 these features got enhanced by allowing users to select from different configuration fetching strategies depending on the requirements of their setup, more on section Configuration Fetching Strategies.

Source of truth selection

A ProxySQL cluster is defined by the entries present in the proxysql_servers tables from its members. Based on the contents of this table the members have one or other role within the cluster. We are going to split the flow for creating a cluster into two steps, the first one being booting and configuring the Core nodes:

  1. Start the ProxySQL instances that are going to be the Core nodes of this cluster.
  2. Insert the Core nodes into the proxysql_servers table from the cluster members. Only the Cores node will be present in this table, since the satellite nodes don’t propagate configuration.
  3. Load this configuration to runtime, via LOAD PROXYSQL SERVERS TO RUNTIME.

These previous steps can of course be replaced by booting three ProxySQL instances with its peers already configured. At this stage, no source of truth has been configured in the cluster, this means that in case of checksum mismatch, i.e. differences in the configuration between the nodes, ProxySQL should be notifying us via error log that cluster synchronization can’t start:

Cluster: detected a peer %s with **module_name** version 1, epoch %d, diff_check %d. Own version: 1, epoch: %d. diff_check is increasing, but version 1 doesn't allow sync

This message will keep repeating until a suitable source of truth is selected. For this, we need to increase this version number for one of the Core nodes, this can be done by issuing the corresponding:


After this, version number should be increased to 2, and the other ProxySQL instances will consider this instance as the source of truth, in case of a checksum mismatch, it will be selected for syncing. Propagating its configuration to the other Core nodes of the cluster.


To support Cluster Monitoring, several new tables, commands and variables were introduced.

Admin variables

Several new variables were added related to the Cluster solution. They are all Admin’s variables, which means that to load them the command LOAD ADMIN VARIABLES TO RUNTIME is needed.


Variables that define credentials:

  • admin-cluster_username
  • admin-cluster_password

To monitor other ProxySQL instances this credential is used. Note that the pair username/password should also be present in admin-admin_credentials, or the connection will fail. If admin-cluster_username is not defined, Clustering doesn’t perform any check.

Checks Frequency

Variables that define checks interval/frequency:

  • admin-cluster_check_interval_ms: Interval between checksums checks. Default: 1000, Min: 10, Max: 300000
  • admin-cluster_check_status_frequency: If greater than 0, this variable defines after how many checksums checks a status check is performed. Default: 10, Min: 0, Max: 10000

A status check is a check performed from a node to another node, issuing query SHOW MYSQL STATUS, every status check updates the table stats_proxysql_servers_metrics. For more info check section stats_proxysql_servers_metrics.

Diffs before sync

Defines how many mismatching checks are required for triggering the synchronization of a particular module:

  • admin-cluster_mysql_query_rules_diffs_before_sync
  • admin-cluster_mysql_servers_diffs_before_sync
  • admin-cluster_mysql_users_diffs_before_sync
  • admin-cluster_proxysql_servers_diffs_before_sync
  • admin-cluster_mysql_variables_diffs_before_sync
  • admin-cluster_admin_variables_diffs_before_sync
  • admin-cluster_ldap_variables_diffs_before_sync

All hold the same value range:

  • Default: 3
  • Min: 0 (Never sync)
  • Max: 1000


These variables bring two different functionalities:

  1. Protection against unnecessary reconfigurations.
  2. Ability to disable module synchronization.

These reconfigurations normally have two different sources:

  1. New user promoted configuration.
  2. Servers state change detection by Monitor.

To understand the first point, we need to think that it’s possible for multiple ProxySQL instances to be reconfigured at the same time by these previously mentioned events. Also, these reconfiguration could even have transient states, meaning that the first configuration change, may not be the final one. In this scenario, the most sensible thing the cluster nodes can do, is to have a grace period, expecting that it will:

  • Minimize the reactions (reconfigurations) due to transient states.
  • Allow the cluster nodes to converge, avoiding the need of fetching, when reacting to monitoring events.

A couple of examples of the previously mentioned scenarios are:

  • Each ProxySQL instance is monitoring a MySQL replication topology and automatically detecting a failover, and within a short period of time (probably less than a second) they will all converge to the same configuration without the need to synchronize with each other.
  • Similarly, a temporary network issue or a slow MySQL instance is detected by all proxies that will automatically shun the node. All proxies will take the same action without the need to synchronize with each other.

Not syncing scenarios:

If diff_check increases a lot without triggering a synchronization it means that the remote peer is not a reliable source of truth, for example if version=1. On the other hand, if the remote peer doesn’t sync with the rest of the cluster it means that the cluster doesn’t have a reliable source of truth. This happens when all the proxies in a cluster start with a different configuration, and they can’t automatically decide which is the correct configuration. Running LOAD module TO RUNTIME on one of the nodes will automatically “elect” it to become the source of truth for that specific module.

Configuration Persistence

After a remote sync, it is normally a good idea to immediately save to disk the new changes. In this way, after a restart the configuration will be already in sync.

Variables for specific kinds of global variables:

  • admin-cluster_mysql_variables_save_to_disk
  • admin-cluster_admin_variables_save_to_disk
  • admin-cluster_ldap_variables_save_to_disk

Variables for modules:

  • admin-cluster_mysql_query_rules_save_to_disk
  • admin-cluster_mysql_servers_save_to_disk
    • mysql_servers
    • mysql_replication_hostgroups
    • mysql_group_replication_hostgroups
    • mysql_galera_hostgroups
    • mysql_aws_aurora_hostgroups
    • mysql_hostgroup_attributes
  • admin-cluster_mysql_users_save_to_disk
  • admin-cluster_proxysql_servers_save_to_disk

All of these are boolean variables, when true (default) after a remote sync and the corresponding load to runtime, the new values for the sync module are saved to disk.

Disabling modules sync

Prior to version v2.5.2 module synchronization could be disabled via variables:

  • admin-checksum_${module_name}
  • admin-cluster_${module_name}_diffs_before_sync

Since version v2.5.2, variables admin-checksum_${module_name} got deprecated, the way to disable module synchronization is now via admin-cluster_${module_name}_diffs_before_sync variable.

Configuration Fetching Strategies

Introduced via admin-cluster_mysql_servers_sync_algorithm in v2.6.0. Allows users to define which fetching strategy should be use for syncing of runtime_mysql_servers configuration. This is achieved by the addition of an extra table called mysql_servers_v2. In essence we can define these tables as:

  • runtime_mysql_servers: Table containing the current state of the servers configured by the user and monitored by ProxySQL. This table entries, and consequently the module checksum, can change due to monitoring actions performed over the servers.
  • mysql_servers_v2: Contains the latest mysql_servers configuration promoted to runtime by the user. This table, and its checksum is only modified by user actions, and consequently its checksum never change until the user promotes new configuration.

Variable admin-cluster_mysql_servers_sync_algorithm allows the user to select which tables should become the pulling endpoint for the instance mysql_servers module. Can be set to:

  • 1: Sync both tables, in this mode, both tables runtime_mysql_servers and mysql_server_v2 will be fetched from the peer. This means, that both monitoring actions and user promoted configuration will trigger the computation of a new module checksum, that in case of not matching with the local ones will translate in a fetch by other cluster peers.
  • 2: Sync only mysql_server_v2 table. This means, that only a user promoting new configuration will trigger a new checksum computation of the module, and potential fetching from cluster peers.
  • 3: Fetching mode is dependent on -M flag. If -M flag isn’t present 1 is selected, otherwise 2 is chosen.

Mode 1 exhibits the classic fetching behavior for mysql_servers module. But modes 2 and 3 offer increased reliability for other scenarios:

  • 2: This mode should be considered for topologies holding multiple Core nodes. Since only promoted user configuration is fetched when operating in this mode, this prevents two things; first eliminates unnecessary reconfigurations for Core nodes during transient Monitoring states, given that the nodes are no longer “competing” exposing their current runtime state to the other nodes, their convergence rate is much less relevant at cluster level, and second prevents continuous circular fetching scenarios. While the first is a enhancement, and it’s beneficial during regular operation, the second one, is a contention mechanism for an already serious infrastructure issue that could be affecting traffic, and that should be fixed. Let’s elaborate on this second potential situation, one of the core nodes suffers from network issues against the backend servers, while the others node doesn’t, this will trigger monitor reconfigurations in just this server with network issues, and will create a mismatch between the runtime_mysql_servers tables on the different Core nodes. This will lead to an inconsistent state, in which servers continuously try to fetch data from their peers with the newer checksum, for later, reconfiguring their servers again because their Monitoring doesn’t match the state reported by their peers, thus generating a new checksum in the process and continue the cycle. This scenario isn’t possible when operating in this mode, in which only the latest user promoted configuration is fetched.
  • 3: This is a mode specially created for clusters with Satellites nodes, since it allows the Core nodes to operate with 2 as fetching strategy while allowing satellite nodes started with -M (disabled monitoring) to fetch both, the runtime_mysql_servers and the user promoted configuration. This allows for setups in which Satellites don’t contribute to Monitoring load, since they rely in the monitoring of the Core nodes, while the Core nodes only fetch the latest user promoted configuration, and individually converge to their own runtime monitoring state, this achieves the best of both worlds for Core and Satellite nodes.

Checksum computation – Deprecated since v2.5.2

This variables enables or disables the checksum computation for the specific modules:

  • admin-checksum_mysql_query_rules: When true (default) a new configuration checksum is generated every time LOAD MYSQL QUERY RULES TO RUNTIME is executed.
  • admin-checksum_mysql_servers: When true (default) a new configuration checksum is generated every time LOAD MYSQL SERVERS TO RUNTIME is executed.
  • admin-checksum_mysql_users: When true (default) a new configuration checksum is generated every time LOAD MYSQL USERS TO RUNTIME is executed.
  • admin-checksum_mysql_variables: When true (default) a new configuration is generated everytime LOAD MYSQL VARIABLES TO RUNTIME is executed.
  • admin-checksum_admin_variables: When true (default) a new configuration is generated everytime LOAD ADMIN VARIABLES TO RUNTIME is executed.
  • admin-checksum_ldap_variables: When true (default) a new configuration is generated everytime LOAD LDAP VARIABLES TO RUNTIME is executed.

These are boolean variables. When set to false, the new configuration isn’t automatically propagated, since no new checksum was created for the module, which renders the changes invisible for the other cluster members, and also prevents configuration from being synced from a remote node.

These variables were deprecated in version v2.5.2. Checksum computation is always performed, for more details on how to disable modules sync check section disabling modules sync.

The motivation for this deprecation is that the ability to disable checksum computation supposed a challenge for implementing new cluster resiliency features, while its main feature was duplicated by admin-cluster_${module_name}_diffs_before_sync variables.

Configuration tables

Table proxysql_servers

Table definition:

CREATE TABLE proxysql_servers (
    hostname VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    port INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 6032,
    weight INT CHECK (weight >= 0) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    PRIMARY KEY (hostname, port) )

This table is a configuration table, and defines a list of ProxySQL peers.

  • hostname: Peer’s hostname/IP.
  • port: Peer’s port.
  • weight: Currently unused, but in the roadmap for future enhancements.
  • comment: Free form comment field.

Commands to promote table configuration:

  • LOAD PROXYSQL SERVERS FROM MEMORY / LOAD PROXYSQL SERVERS TO RUNTIME loads ProxySQL servers from the in-memory database to the runtime data structures.
  • SAVE PROXYSQL SERVERS TO MEMORY / SAVE PROXYSQL SERVERS FROM RUNTIME persists the ProxySQL Servers from the runtime data structures to the in-memory database.
  • LOAD PROXYSQL SERVERS TO MEMORY / LOAD PROXYSQL SERVERS FROM DISK loads ProxySQL Servers from the on-disk database to the in-memory database.
  • LOAD PROXYSQL SERVERS FROM CONFIG loads ProxySQL Servers from configuration file to the in-memory database.
  • SAVE PROXYSQL SERVERS FROM MEMORY / SAVE PROXYSQL SERVERS TO DISK persists the ProxySQL Servers from the in-memory database to the on-disk database.

When the configuration from this table is promoted to runtime, ProxySQL will start monitoring the configured nodes, joining as cluster member, the role the node will have as a member will be defined by its presence or not in the other nodes proxysql_servers table. See section Cluster members for more details.

Support for config file

Entries for proxysql_servers can be loaded from the configuration file. Below is an example of how to configure proxysql_servers from config file:

proxysql_servers =

Table runtime_checksums_values

Table definition:

CREATE TABLE runtime_checksums_values (
    version INT NOT NULL,
    epoch INT NOT NULL,
    checksum VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (name))

Table runtime_checksums_values is the first runtime_ table that is not the runtime representation of a base table. Table runtime_checksums_values shows information of when a LOAD TO RUNTIME command was executed:

  • name: Name of the module.
  • version: How many times LOAD TO RUNTIME was executed, either explicitly or not (executed internally due to some other event). All modules start with version 1. This version has special meaning, since cluster members don’t sync from modules with version 1. See section Source of truth selection.
  • epoch: Timestamp of when LOAD TO RUNTIME was executed.
  • checksum: The checksum of the internal memory structure resulting from LOAD TO RUNTIME.


admin> SELECT * FROM runtime_checksums_values;
| name              | version | epoch      | checksum           |
| admin_variables   | 1       | 1692021362 | 0x2220DDA8D0DB12D0 |
| mysql_query_rules | 1       | 1692021362 | 0x0000000000000000 |
| mysql_servers     | 1       | 1692021363 | 0xC2AAFF69CB9C34FD |
| mysql_users       | 1       | 1692021362 | 0xAC3B2F84B00375F3 |
| mysql_variables   | 1       | 1692021362 | 0x852768C4FB43CD68 |
| proxysql_servers  | 1       | 1692021362 | 0x0000000000000000 |
| mysql_servers_v2  | 1       | 1692021362 | 0xF39D99F43BAA6855 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

All module commands promoting configuration to runtime generate a new checksum for the module. In versions older than v2.5.2 this behavior was conditional to the admin-checksum_${module_name}.

Stats tables

The following tables are present in the stats schema:

Table stats_proxysql_servers_checksums

Table definition:

Admin> SHOW CREATE TABLE stats.stats_proxysql_servers_checksums\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
       table: stats_proxysql_servers_checksums
Create Table: CREATE TABLE stats_proxysql_servers_checksums (
    hostname VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    port INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 6032,
    version INT NOT NULL,
    epoch INT NOT NULL,
    checksum VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    changed_at INT NOT NULL,
    updated_at INT NOT NULL,
    diff_check INT NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (hostname, port, name) )
1 row in set (0,00 sec)

This table shows the checksum of other proxies, and their status:

  • hostname: Hostname of the peer.
  • port: Port of the peer.
  • name: Name of the module as reported in peer’s runtime_checksums_values
  • version: Version of checksum’s module as reported in peer’s runtime_checksums_values. Note that a ProxySQL Instance just started will have version=1: for this reason, a ProxySQL instance will never sync from another instance having version=1, because it is unlikely that a ProxyQL instance just started is the source of truth. This prevents a new joining node to corrupt the current Cluster configuration.
  • epoch: epoch of the checksum’s module as reported in peer’s runtime_checksums_values
  • checksum: The checksum’s module as reported in peer’s runtime_checksums_values
  • changed_at: The timestamp of when a checksum change was detected.
  • updated_at: The timestamp of when this entry was last refreshed.
  • diff_check: A counter that defines for how many checks the checksum of the remote peer’s was different than the local checksum, this value will continue growing until a defined threshold is reached, at which point a reconfiguration will be triggered, and the value reset. The value could keep growing if no reliable source of truth is found. E.g. peer having version=1. For more info please refer to diffs before sync.

This is useful in case the same configuration is applied to multiple proxies at the same time, or when proxies are reconfiguring themselves in case of a failover and they will likely converge without the need of resync. See also variables cluster_*_diffs_before_sync

Table stats_proxysql_servers_metrics

Table definition:

Admin> SHOW CREATE TABLE stats.stats_proxysql_servers_metrics\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
       table: stats_proxysql_servers_metrics
Create Table: CREATE TABLE stats_proxysql_servers_metrics (
    hostname VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    port INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 6032,
    weight INT CHECK (weight >= 0) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    response_time_ms INT NOT NULL,
    Uptime_s INT NOT NULL,
    last_check_ms INT NOT NULL,
    Queries INT NOT NULL,
    Client_Connections_connected INT NOT NULL,
    Client_Connections_created INT NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (hostname, port) )
1 row in set (0,00 sec)

This table shows some of the metrics that are retrieved when the clustering module executes SHOW MYSQL STATUS in its peers. Columns:

  • hostname: Hostname of the peer.
  • port: Port of the peer.
  • weight: Same as reported in proxysql_servers.weight.
  • comment: Same as reported in proxysql_servers.comment.
  • response_time_ms: Response time while running SHOW MYSQL STATUS, in millisecond.
  • Uptime_s: Peer’s uptime in second.
  • last_check_ms: Age of the last time a check was executed, in millisecond.
  • Queries: Number of queries executed by the peer.
  • Client_Connections_connected: Number of client’s connections connected.
  • Client_Connections_created: Number of client’s connections created.

Note: All the status variables are retrieved by the peers, but only few are monitored to be able to check if the peer is up and running and processing traffic. Currently this feature is useful only for debugging purposes, but maybe future versions will use these metrics to understand the health of remote peers.

Table stats_proxysql_servers_clients_status

Table definition:

admin> SHOW CREATE TABLE stats.stats_proxysql_servers_clients_status\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
       table: stats_proxysql_servers_clients_status
Create Table: CREATE TABLE stats_proxysql_servers_clients_status (
    hostname VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    port INT NOT NULL,
    admin_mysql_ifaces VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    last_seen_at INT NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (uuid, hostname, port) )
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

This table shows the information advertised by peer nodes from the cluster when connecting to this instance. This communication is performed via the command PROXYSQL CLUSTER_NODE_UUID, the following information is extracted by the receving instance during the command processing. The fields have the following semantics:

  • uuid: The connecting peer UUID.
  • hostname: Hostname of the client peer node as seen by the receiving instance.
  • port: Port of the client peer node as seen by the receiving instance.
  • admin_mysql_ifaces: Admin interfaces of the client node.
  • last_seen_at: The time, seconds since Epoch, at the moment of the command reception.

This table is populated in the following way. When a cluster node (client) connects to another cluster node, it advertises its UUID but also exports its admin-mysql_ifaces, this is done via the previously mentioned command PROXYSQL CLUSTER_NODE_UUID. This information can later be used by the receiving cluster node, for example, for guessing hot to connect to the nodes initializing connections, to collect metrics from them.

Table stats_proxysql_servers_status

Currently unused

Bandwidth considerations

As described above, architectures where all nodes monitor all the other nodes are possible. A fully mesh peer-to-peer network. To reduce network usage, nodes do not always exchange the whole list of checksums; instead they exchange a single checksum resulting from combining all the versions and all the checksums. If this global checksum has changed, a detailed list of checksums is retrieved. Using this technique, a 200 nodes cluster monitoring each other every 1000ms, requires a bandwidth of 50KBpb in/out to/from each node.

This optimization only takes place for changes detection. For the actual data being propagated between nodes, ProxySQL doesn’t perform any form of compression or delta detection. This means, that evaluating if the amount of data being transfer is something acceptable or not, is up to the user to determine. This is specially relevant for modules that can hold hundreds of thousands, or even millions of entries, like mysql_users or mysql_query_rules. For more details check Re-configuration


This section tries to cover several topics on the fetching procedure itself. We will try to answer the following questions:

  • How it’s decided that new configuration is available in one peer to be fetched?
  • How much data it’s sent between peers?
  • Does data generation affects the sending ProxySQL instance?
  • Does data reception and configuration load affect the receiving ProxySQL instance?

There are two phases concerning configuration propagation when a module is updated in one ProxySQL instance:

  1. Data (‘resultset’) generation for configuration propagation, and checksums update.
  2. Fetching operation from peer nodes when checksum update is detected.

Data generation

The first phase is triggered when the user updates the configuration and promotes it to runtime. Since version v2.4.3 ProxySQL performs an optimization at this stage, it generates resultsets with the configuration being promoted, these are later being used by Admin module when replying to another cluster nodes requests, this way, there is no penalty when replying to the cluster peers fetching requests, since the response has been already pre-computed. Please note, that currently there is no configuration delta being computed, this means that the full configuration applied to each module is being fetch by the other peer nodes. This is something to take into account mostly because of the network load that could generate, specially for modules that could potentially hold hundred of thousands of entries, like mysql_query_rules or mysql_users. Even with this number of entries, the processing of the fetch request should be relatively fast for both nodes involved:

  • Sending node: Request is precomputed and served by Admin, so it will be a light operation, which will only lock the Admin interface (as any other Admin interface request).
  • Receiving node: The operation (reconfiguration) should be very fast even with really big number of entries for the sync modules, but several optimizations are in place, like bulk inserting, that help speeding this process, the operation is of course less lighter than for the Sending node, since data is required to be processed.

Checksum computation is performed and updated after this new configuration is applied, and this new data is created.

Fetching procedure

The second part of configuration propagation, concerns the fetching phase. Because proxies monitor each other, they can immediately know when a checksum of a configuration changed, which means that the configuration itself have changed. The full checking and sync procedure can be summarized in the following steps:

  1. Check the peers global_checksum, this global checksum minimize the network load required for checking that no changes took place in any module of the peer instance.
  2. If some peer gobal_checksum changes, is indicative that one or more modules configuration has been modified. A query like SELECT * FROM runtime_checksums_values ORDER BY name is sent to the remote peer in order to fetch the latest checksums for all modules, including epoch and version.
  3. When the module checksums from the peer are received, they are checked against the instance own configuration. This is done because it is possible that the remote peer’s configuration and its own configuration have changed at the same time, or within a short period of time. The action been taken now is dependent on own module version number:
    • If own version is 1, find a peer with version > 1 and the highest epoch and sync immediately. Jump to step 5.
    • If own version is greater than 1, then we follow on step 4.
  4. There is now a grace period phase, determined primarily by admin-module_name_diffs_before_sync variables, each check increases diff_check value from stats_proxysql_servers_checksums. When the threshold imposed by the variable is exceeded, the fetching starts.
  5. Data fetching is performed as a series of SELECT statements performed in the same connections used for performing the health checks. These statements are of the form SELECT _list_of_columns_ FROM runtime_module.
  6. After receiving the data, ProxySQL ensures that the received data matches the pre-fetched checksum, ensuring this way that the module from the peer wasn’t reconfigured between the checksum change detection and the fetching operation.
  7. If everything holds, the local configuration tables are deleted, via statements of the form DELETE FROM module_name. Fetched data is then inserted into the module tables. The configuration is then promoted to runtime via LOAD module_name TO RUNTIME commands. This will increase the version number of the module and create a new checksum.
  8. Finally configuration is conditionally saved to disk based on the value of per-module variables cluster_module_name_save_to_disk, if true configuration will be save to disk via SAVE module_name TO DISK commands.


It is possible that a different is detected against a node, but the sync is performed against a different node. Because the sync is done with the node with the highest epoch, it is expected that all the nodes will converge.

Up to ProxySQL v2.1.0, cluster members with different ProxySQL version numbers were allowed to sync, this behavior got changed in v2.1.0. ProxySQL versions v2.1.0 and newer do not allow cluster members with different versions to sync anymore (i.e. every member of a ProxySQL Cluster has to share the exact version of ProxySQL). The reasons behind this change were to prevent possible inconsistencies between different versions of ProxySQL and to reduce the complexity of the logic involved.

Configuration Example

As a way of guiding through multiple concepts, we are going to setup a ProxySQL cluster with two Core nodes and one Satellite node. First we would like to have different ProxySQL interfaces for our instances, since this will be a local example, we will take a look to our instances configuration files. We will assume a simple local setup, in which each node of the ProxySQL cluster is listening to different ports, other setups may share mysql-interfaces, since ProxySQL has the ability of sharing ports with other instances. Let’s start with the Core nodes configuration files:


// Avoid syncing the interfaces since our setup is local

// Setup the minimal variables for having
// - Admin credentials.
// - Admin interface.
// - Cluster monitoring credentials.

    // Setup the local mysql-interface:
    // Different from default to experience 'version 1' warning

// Setup the Core nodes of our cluster
proxysql_servers =

For our second core node, we are just required to update the interfaces being used, all the other variables should remain with the same values as in the previous template:



    monitor_ping_timeout=1000 // Default value



Now, let’s launch both nodes, and connect to the first one:

mysql --prompt="admin> " -uradmin -pradmin -h0.0.0.0 -P26001

Now let’s check the current checksum values:

admin> SELECT * FROM runtime_checksums_values;
| name              | version | epoch      | checksum           |
| admin_variables   | 1       | 1692376589 | 0xC5FA911349ED496B |
| mysql_query_rules | 1       | 1692376589 | 0x0000000000000000 |
| mysql_servers     | 1       | 1692376589 | 0x0000000000000000 |
| mysql_users       | 1       | 1692376589 | 0x0000000000000000 |
| mysql_variables   | 1       | 1692376589 | 0xDE4864841AE32D5D |
| proxysql_servers  | 1       | 1692376589 | 0x10C33098743C7705 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

We can see that all our modules are initialized with some checksum, some of them, having 0 as checksum, as they having been yet configured. Let’s check the checksums of the other known cluster instances (peers):

admin> SELECT * FROM stats_proxysql_servers_checksums;
| hostname  | port  | name              | version | epoch      | checksum           | changed_at | updated_at | diff_check |
| | 26002 | admin_variables   | 1       | 1692376590 | 0xC5FA911349ED496B | 1692376591 | 1692376659 | 0          |
| | 26002 | mysql_query_rules | 1       | 1692376590 | 0x0000000000000000 | 1692376591 | 1692376659 | 0          |
| | 26002 | mysql_servers     | 1       | 1692376590 | 0x0000000000000000 | 1692376591 | 1692376659 | 0          |
| | 26002 | mysql_users       | 1       | 1692376590 | 0x0000000000000000 | 1692376591 | 1692376659 | 0          |
| | 26002 | mysql_variables   | 1       | 1692376590 | 0x84895A2188043C77 | 1692376591 | 1692376659 | 69         |
| | 26002 | proxysql_servers  | 1       | 1692376590 | 0x10C33098743C7705 | 1692376591 | 1692376659 | 0          |
| | 26001 | admin_variables   | 1       | 1692376589 | 0xC5FA911349ED496B | 1692376590 | 1692376659 | 0          |
| | 26001 | mysql_query_rules | 1       | 1692376589 | 0x0000000000000000 | 1692376590 | 1692376659 | 0          |
| | 26001 | mysql_servers     | 1       | 1692376589 | 0x0000000000000000 | 1692376590 | 1692376659 | 0          |
| | 26001 | mysql_users       | 1       | 1692376589 | 0x0000000000000000 | 1692376590 | 1692376659 | 0          |
| | 26001 | mysql_variables   | 1       | 1692376589 | 0xDE4864841AE32D5D | 1692376590 | 1692376659 | 0          |
| | 26001 | proxysql_servers  | 1       | 1692376589 | 0x10C33098743C7705 | 1692376590 | 1692376659 | 0          |
12 rows in set (0.01 sec)

This way we can see not only our current checksums, but also the ones from the other instances we are fetching from. For example, we can spot our intentional mismatch placed in the configuration file for variable mysql-monitor_ping_timeout, we can see a mismatch between the checksums for module mysql_variables, this difference is also flagged by the field diff_check, that stands above our current configured threshold admin-cluster_mysql_variables_diffs_before_sync. This is expected, since we are dealing with version 1 right now, ProxySQL will report the situation to the user in both ProxySQL instances through error log:


2023-08-18 18:37:00 ProxySQL_Cluster.cpp:870:set_checksums(): [WARNING] Cluster: detected a peer with mysql_variables version 1, epoch 1692376590, diff_check 30. Own version: 1, epoch: 1692376589. diff_check is increasing, but version 1 doesn't allow sync. This message will be repeated every 30 checks until LOAD MYSQL VARIABLES TO RUNTIME is executed on candidate master.


2023-08-18 18:36:59 ProxySQL_Cluster.cpp:870:set_checksums(): [WARNING] Cluster: detected a peer with mysql_variables version 1, epoch 1692376589, diff_check 30. Own version: 1, epoch: 1692376590. diff_check is increasing, but version 1 doesn't allow sync. This message will be repeated every 30 checks until LOAD MYSQL VARIABLES TO RUNTIME is executed on candidate master.

As the message says, this will be repeating with each periodic check, this is due to a mismatch with the special version number 1. Since both ProxySQL instances are freshly started, and both hold version 1 for all the configuration in their modules, there is no promoted source of truth in the cluster yet. Because of this, the instances hold the synchronization until a instance is selected by the user via:


In this case, we are going to execute the following command in instance proxysql-01:


After this command, we can check that our version for mysql_variables module has been increased, and that the other instance proxysql-02 detected this change and performed a configuration sync:

admin> SELECT * FROM stats_proxysql_servers_checksums;
| hostname  | port  | name              | version | epoch      | checksum           | changed_at | updated_at | diff_check |
| | 26002 | admin_variables   | 1       | 1692376590 | 0xC5FA911349ED496B | 1692376591 | 1692377446 | 0          |
| | 26002 | mysql_query_rules | 1       | 1692376590 | 0x0000000000000000 | 1692376591 | 1692377446 | 0          |
| | 26002 | mysql_servers     | 1       | 1692376590 | 0x0000000000000000 | 1692376591 | 1692377446 | 0          |
| | 26002 | mysql_users       | 1       | 1692376590 | 0x0000000000000000 | 1692376591 | 1692377446 | 0          |
| | 26002 | mysql_variables   | 2       | 1692377444 | 0xDE4864841AE32D5D | 1692377446 | 1692377446 | 0          |
| | 26002 | proxysql_servers  | 1       | 1692376590 | 0x10C33098743C7705 | 1692376591 | 1692377446 | 0          |
| | 26001 | admin_variables   | 1       | 1692376589 | 0xC5FA911349ED496B | 1692376590 | 1692377446 | 0          |
| | 26001 | mysql_query_rules | 1       | 1692376589 | 0x0000000000000000 | 1692376590 | 1692377446 | 0          |
| | 26001 | mysql_servers     | 1       | 1692376589 | 0x0000000000000000 | 1692376590 | 1692377446 | 0          |
| | 26001 | mysql_users       | 1       | 1692376589 | 0x0000000000000000 | 1692376590 | 1692377446 | 0          |
| | 26001 | mysql_variables   | 2       | 1692377444 | 0xDE4864841AE32D5D | 1692376590 | 1692377446 | 0          |
| | 26001 | proxysql_servers  | 1       | 1692376589 | 0x10C33098743C7705 | 1692376590 | 1692377446 | 0          |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)

After the sync, we can see the newer epoch in the updated checksums, that their value changed, and that diff_check is back being 0. Normally, if for some reason, we start several instances with different configurations, we want to configure one of them as the source of truth, as we have done in this example.

First, let’s check the members stats that the instance is reporting about the other core nodes:

admin> SELECT * FROM stats_proxysql_servers_metrics;
| hostname  | port  | weight | comment    | response_time_ms | Uptime_s | last_check_ms | Queries | Client_Connections_connected | Client_Connections_created |
| | 26002 | 0      | proxysql02 | 10               | 2412     | 6303          | 0       | 0                            | 0                          |
| | 26001 | 0      | proxysql01 | 11               | 2411     | 8608          | 0       | 0                            | 0                          |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Lets now also check the current clients that instance proxysql-01 acknowledges, before adding satellites nodes to the cluster:

admin> SELECT * FROM stats_proxysql_servers_clients_status;
| uuid                                 | hostname  | port  | admin_mysql_ifaces | last_seen_at |
| 6cd51c3a-b32f-4758-99a5-6c156c2da99e | | 54776 |      | 1692378123   |
| ca2e1c4c-6e3f-46e5-a750-54ed57b528c3 | | 54790 |      | 1692378123   |
2 rows in set (0.01 sec)

Our two core nodes are the ones being reported by our instance, let’s add a third node, which configuration file will be just:




    // Setup the local mysql-interface:

// Setup the Core nodes of our cluster
proxysql_servers =

Notice how the node itself isn’t in the configured proxysql_servers. Only the Core nodes should be configured in that table. After starting the instance, we can connect again to instance proxysq-01:

admin> SELECT * FROM stats_proxysql_servers_checksums;
| hostname  | port  | name              | version | epoch      | checksum           | changed_at | updated_at | diff_check |
| | 26002 | admin_variables   | 1       | 1692376590 | 0xC5FA911349ED496B | 1692376591 | 1692378523 | 0          |
| | 26002 | mysql_query_rules | 1       | 1692376590 | 0x0000000000000000 | 1692376591 | 1692378523 | 0          |
| | 26002 | mysql_servers     | 1       | 1692376590 | 0x0000000000000000 | 1692376591 | 1692378523 | 0          |
| | 26002 | mysql_users       | 1       | 1692376590 | 0x0000000000000000 | 1692376591 | 1692378523 | 0          |
| | 26002 | mysql_variables   | 2       | 1692377444 | 0xDE4864841AE32D5D | 1692377446 | 1692378523 | 0          |
| | 26002 | proxysql_servers  | 1       | 1692376590 | 0x10C33098743C7705 | 1692376591 | 1692378523 | 0          |
| | 26001 | admin_variables   | 1       | 1692376589 | 0xC5FA911349ED496B | 1692376590 | 1692378523 | 0          |
| | 26001 | mysql_query_rules | 1       | 1692376589 | 0x0000000000000000 | 1692376590 | 1692378523 | 0          |
| | 26001 | mysql_servers     | 1       | 1692376589 | 0x0000000000000000 | 1692376590 | 1692378523 | 0          |
| | 26001 | mysql_users       | 1       | 1692376589 | 0x0000000000000000 | 1692376590 | 1692378523 | 0          |
| | 26001 | mysql_variables   | 2       | 1692377444 | 0xDE4864841AE32D5D | 1692376590 | 1692378523 | 0          |
| | 26001 | proxysql_servers  | 1       | 1692376589 | 0x10C33098743C7705 | 1692376590 | 1692378523 | 0          |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)

We can see that the list of servers checksums being monitored haven’t changed, but instead the list of clients includes the new member:

admin> SELECT * FROM stats_proxysql_servers_clients_status;
| uuid                                 | hostname  | port  | admin_mysql_ifaces | last_seen_at |
| 8c7c0e97-41ac-49e8-b901-09164ffec90c | | 56596 |      | 1692378525   |
| 6cd51c3a-b32f-4758-99a5-6c156c2da99e | | 54776 |      | 1692378525   |
| ca2e1c4c-6e3f-46e5-a750-54ed57b528c3 | | 54790 |      | 1692378525   |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

The same scenario will be seeing from instance proxysql-02. We have ourselves a ProxySQL cluster with three nodes, two Core nodes and one Satellite node.


This is an overview of the features related to clustering, and not a complete list. None the following is implemented yet. Implementation may be different than what is listed right now:

  • Add support for Scheduler.
  • Support for master election: the word master was intentionally chosen instead of leader.
  • Only master proxy is writable/configurable.
  • Implementation of MySQL-like replication from master to slaves, allowing to push configuration in real-time instead of pulling it.
  • Implementation of MySQL-like replication from master to candidate-masters.
  • Implementation of MySQL-like replication from candidate-masters to slaves.
  • Creation of a quorum with only candidate-masters: normal slaves are not part of the quorum.


What if a different configuration is loaded at the same time on each of the ProxySQL servers, which configuration is the one that needs to be “propagated” to all other nodes? The last one?

The concept of master and master election is not implemented yet. That means that a LOAD command can be potentially executed on multiple nodes at the same time (multi-master, to make some analogy), and each will trigger an automatic reconfiguration with timestamp-based conflict-resolution. If the same configuration is loaded at the same time on multiple ProxySQL instances, they should automatically converge. If different configurations are loaded on multiple ProxySQL instances at different times, the last one will win. If different configurations are loaded on multiple ProxySQL instances at the same time, the two configurations will start propagating till the point at which they won’t converge as conflict resolution is not possible. The good thing is that each ProxySQL knows the checksum of configuration of every other node, so mismatches are easy to detect and monitor.

Who is writing this configuration to all those nodes?

Currently a pull mechanism is used, therefore the node that detects it needs to reconfigure itself and it will pull the configuration from the node with the most up-to-date configuration and apply it locally.

How are you going to implement election? Raft consensus protocol?

Implementation of election is in the roadmap, but probably not Raft consensus protocol. ProxySQL uses tables to store configuration, it uses the MySQL protocol to perform requests to its peers querying their health and their configuration, it uses the MySQL protocol to implement heartbeat and much more: for these reasons, in the case of ProxySQL, the MySQL protocol itself might be a more versatile solution compared to Raft protocol.

What will happen if for some reason one of the nodes will be unable to grab the new configuration in an event of re-configuration?

Changes are propagated asynchronously. Therefore it is possible that one of the nodes is not able to grab the new configuration, for example in case of network issues or ProxySQL being restarted. Yet, when a ProxySQL instance detects that one of its peers has a newer configuration, it will automatically grab it.

What about crossdc? What will be the best practice, having a cluster in each DC?

Clusters do not have boundaries, therefore it is possible to have a single cluster across multiple DCs, or to have multiple clusters in the same DC, or multiple clusters across multiple DCs. This really depends on the specific use case. The only limitation is that each ProxySQL instance needs to belong to a single cluster. Clusters do not have names, and to make sure that a node doesn’t erroneously join the wrong cluster it is important to ensure that each cluster uses different credentials. See admin-admin_credentials, admin-cluster_username and admin-cluster_password.

Could be a nice feature to somehow replicate the configuration crossdc but prefer traffic to the backend server that is closest to the local ProxySQL server. I am doing it now using weight.

For this specific case I think it makes more sense to create a different cluster for each DC, as the configuration will be different.

How is a new ProxySQL going to join the cluster?

Bootstrap is very easy: starts with at least 1 peer in proxysql_servers .

How will all other ProxySQL servers know there is a new node?

They do not know it automatically, and this is intentional to prevent that a new node may corrupt the cluster. In other words, a new node can pull the configuration as soon as it joins, but it cannot advertise itself as the source of truth. To let the other ProxySQL instances know that there is a new node, it is enough to add the new node in proxysql_servers of any node of the current cluster and issue LOAD PROXYSQL SERVERS TO RUNTIME.