The stats_history database

This database contains historical metrics gathered by ProxySQL with respect to its internal functioning.

These metrics are used by the Web UI, and by the Firewall functionality.

mysql> SHOW TABLES FROM stats_history;
| tables                     |
| history_mysql_query_digest |
| myhgm_connections          |
| myhgm_connections_day      |
| myhgm_connections_hour     |
| mysql_connections          |
| mysql_connections_day      |
| mysql_connections_hour     |
| mysql_query_cache          |
| mysql_query_cache_day      |
| mysql_query_cache_hour     |
| system_cpu                 |
| system_cpu_day             |
| system_cpu_hour            |
| system_memory              |
| system_memory_day          |
| system_memory_hour         |
16 rows in set (0.00 sec)

This page doesn’t describe the tables related to statistics displayed by Web UI, as they are mostly for internal use only.

Table history_mysql_query_digest

The definition for table history_mysql_query_digest is listed below:

mysql> SHOW CREATE TABLE stats_history.history_mysql_query_digest\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
       table: history_mysql_query_digest
Create Table: CREATE TABLE history_mysql_query_digest (
    dump_time INT,
    hostgroup INT,
    schemaname VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    username VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    client_address VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    digest VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    digest_text VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    count_star INTEGER NOT NULL,
    first_seen INTEGER NOT NULL,
    last_seen INTEGER NOT NULL,
    sum_time INTEGER NOT NULL,
    min_time INTEGER NOT NULL,
    max_time INTEGER NOT NULL,
    sum_rows_affected INTEGER NOT NULL,
    sum_rows_sent INTEGER NOT NULL)
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Table stats_history.history_mysql_query_digest is used to persist to disk metrics from table stats.stats_mysql_query_digest.

Because stats.stats_mysql_query_digest is an in-memory only table, a restart of ProxySQL will wipe all its content.

Table stats_history.history_mysql_query_digest solves this problem by persisting metrics to disk on-demand or at regular intervals.

Either way, the content of table stats.mysql_query_digest is atomically dumped into stats_history.history_mysql_query_digest, and table stats.mysql_query_digest is reset.

The two options are:

  • on-demand: executing SAVE MYSQL DIGEST TO DISK in Admin interface
  • automatically: if the admin variable admin-stats_mysql_query_digest_to_disk is configured to a value other than 0, it represents at what regular intervals (in seconds) Admin will automatically perform the action