We are proud to announce the latest release of ProxySQL version 2.6.0

ProxySQL is a high performance, high availability, protocol aware proxy for MySQL, with a GPL license! It can be downloaded from the ProxySQL Repository (instructions here) or for a Docker image check out the Official ProxySQL Docker Repository. ProxySQL is freely usable and accessible according to the GNU GPL v3.0 license.

Release Overview Highlights

ProxySQL v2.6.0 is a major release comprising of several enhancements and bug fixes. This release is the first release of the 2.6 branch and includes some major fixes that were introduced in the v2.x branch after 2.5.5 was released.

Be sure to try out the ProxySQL 2.6.0 release and let us know your experience!

Release Highlights

Detailed release notes for ProxySQL 2.6.0 are available on the release page, a few new changes worth of mentioning are:

  • Added support for caching_sha2_password
  • Added new feature mysql_servers_ssl_params adding control of SSL parameters in a per-host basis
  • Completely new Web Interface via Web Interface Plugin
  • Improved LDAP support, via LDAP Plugin
  • Upgrade multiple dependencies
  • Added builds for CentOS 9 stream builds #4394
  • Added support for warnings handling #4365
  • Added support for hostgroup_attributes for AWS aurora autodiscovery #4279, via #4295
  • Added support for Group Replication Autodiscovery for MySQL 8 #4208
  • Added support for Bootstap Mode for MySQL 8 Group Replication #4232
  • Added new synchronization algorithm for mysql_servers for Cluster #4169
  • Update several defaults #4339
  • Added new column hostgroup_settings to mysql_hostgroup_attributes table #4374
  • Added new prepared statement memory usage monitoring via: #4372
  • Remove trailing spaces and semicolons in SET (parsing resiliency) #4385
  • Improve detection of viable_candidate server for MySQL 8 Group Replication #4208
  • Added new configuration variable mysql-evaluate_replication_lag_on_servers_load #4450
  • Allow values above 65536 for mysql-servers_capabilities #4424
  • Improve shutdown consistency via fast shutdown for TERM signal handler #4425
  • Add new PROXYSQL INTERNAL SESSION field MultiplexDisabled_ext #4430
  • Improve handling of several STATUS commands from MySQL 8 CLI #4396
  • Added new status variable mysql_listener_paused indicating if PROXYSQL PAUSE was executed #4428
  • Added missing/incorrect LICENSE info in packages #4444
  • Deprecation of multiple distributions
  • Deprecation of unused variable mysql-default_tx_isolation #4429
  • Fixed assert due to duplicated entries in monitor.mysql_server_galera_log #4351
  • Fixed servers_defaults column not being synced by Cluster #4374
  • Fixed Admin deadlock on concurrent connections #4416
  • Fixed crash when frequently querying stats_mysql_query_digest* tables #4414
  • Fixed AWS Aurora replicas not being shunned due to replication lag #4279
  • Fixed AWS Aurora new writer not honoring new_reader_weight #4279
  • Fixed invalid removal of servers when present in multiple AWS Aurora clusters #4279
  • Fixed IP not being resolved after connection error in Cluster #4452
  • Fixed interactions between checksum_% and %_diffs_before_sync variables #4381
  • Fixed memory leaks when querying stats_mysql_prepared_statements_info #4455
  • Fixed heap use after free when setting auditlog_filename #4455
  • Fixed memory leaks in ProxySQL HTTP Server #4455
  • Fixed invalid handling of aliases when exceeding 250 characters #4403
  • Fixed inclusion of servers in SHUNNED|SHUNNED_REPLICATION_LAG for checksums computation #4279

Upgrade Notes

Upgrading from v2.5.x or previous versions via repository:

  • Make sure to change the repository URL from proxysql-2.5.x (or previous) to proxysql-2.6.x

Please follow the repository configuration instructions at https://repo.proxysql.com/

A special thanks to all the people that report bugs: this makes each version of ProxySQL better than the previous. Please report any bugs or feature requests on the project’s Github issue tracker.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. Our performance and scalability experts are readily available to evaluate the overall state of your database infrastructure and help to build a robust and reliable MySQL HA architecture.

We also offer consulting, long term support and training for ProxySQL & MySQL Environments