We are proud to announce the latest release of ProxySQL version 2.4.4

ProxySQL is a high performance, high availability, protocol aware proxy for MySQL, with a GPL license! It can be downloaded from the ProxySQL Repository (instructions here) or for a Docker image check out the Official ProxySQL Docker Repository. ProxySQL is freely usable and accessible according to the GNU GPL v3.0 license.

Release Overview Highlights

ProxySQL v2.4.4 is a patch release comprising of several enhancements and bug fixes. This release is the forth patch release of the 2.4 branch and includes minor and major fixes and improvements that were introduced in the 2.x branches after 2.4.0 was released.


Be sure to try out the ProxySQL 2.4.4 release and let us know your experience!

Release Highlights

Detailed release notes for ProxySQL 2.4.4 are available on the release page, a few new changes worth of mentioning are:

  • Increased the maximum value for monitor threads
  • Add crash signal handler for fatal arithmetic errors SIGFPE
  • Fixed isolation level in AWS Aurora with internal reset for aurora_read_replica_read_committed
  • Fixed multiplexing not being disabled by cached STMT during STMT_EXECUTE
  • Fixed behavior for mysql-auto_increment_delay_multiplex_timeout_ms
  • Fixed timeout for fast_forward sessions when max_connections is reached
  • Fixed incorrectly determining writer as reader from a restored AWS Aurora RDS Cluster
  • Fixed removal of final query delimiter ; for query digests
  • Fixed crashes when number of servers is more than half the value of monitor ‘ping|read_only’ intervals
  • Fixed crash when failed connection_reset is tried to be logged
  • Several fixes for ldap_auth_plugin
  • Fixed crash during shutdown when cluster is running

A special thanks to all the people that report bugs: this makes each version of ProxySQL better than the previous. Please report any bugs or feature requests on the project’s Github issue tracker.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. Our performance and scalability experts are readily available to evaluate the overall state of your database infrastructure and help to build a robust and reliable MySQL HA architecture.

We also offer consulting, long term support and training for ProxySQL & MySQL Environments